Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Beauty Of Your Mercy


Your mercy is like a tender comfort to bring my heart happiness...
Knowing that I can always come to you and talk to you at all times
You are the understanding Father that touches my life with the best
And helps me to always feel your presence with a perfect love so kind.

You know that I am a sinner saved by grace and not perfect at all...
Yet you love me beyond infinity and call me your child so blessed
Ready with great compassion and forgiveness whenever I may call
I need to give you my burdens so heavy and you'll handle the rest.

I am honored to be called your beloved child in all I do...
And know that I can come before your throne with humility so grand
I will always get the best of it all from your heart and straight from you
My precious Lord Jesus I am waiting upon your great master plan.

Monday, November 29, 2021

A Prayer Of Refreshment

My Jesus...

I dedicate this day to you, hour by hour...
Fill it with everything wonderful that comes from you
A great refreshment of your anointing and power
Surrounded by your love in everything I do.

Help me to know the movement of your precious, great hands...
And the beautiful peace that surrounds me in each case
I want to see your desire and mightiest plans
And for you to be the endless joy that fills my face.

Jesus, please make this a day that brings us closer still...
I want your love working more powerfully in me
And helping me know the blueprint of your mighty will
Jesus, each day in your light is where I want to be.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Breathtaking Rain

A man was 🚶 walking along a pathway one day...
Just 🙏 praying with great tears streaming from his eyes
He needed great promise and couldn't see a way
Even though he searched for hope that was surely wise.

Just then, a man came a long and reached out so kind...
The first man told him what was on his mind and more
The stranger asked him if his faith was strong and fine
He answered that he never leaned on faith before.

The stranger led him to Christ with a simple 🙏 prayer...
They prayed for his need knowing it would come true
It showed how much another heart can truly care
And reach out with such great happiness to help you.

Just then the 📱 phone rang with news to delight the ❤ heart...
His friend was doing better and will be ok
The man turned to thank the stranger right from the start
But this generous soul had disappeared that day.

The man looked up to heaven and thanked God with love...
He would live for Him and serve Him his whole life through
He thanked Him for sending his angel from above
From now on, he'd lean on faith in what he may do.

My Lord

You are the beauty that makes each day worth living...
The great hope that beautifully shapes tomorrow's hour
I'm in awe at your sweet heart that's always giving
And your breathtaking anointing that gives me power.

My eyes look to you my source of everything...
For things worth having can only come from above
I'm yearning for your touch and all that it should bring
Jesus cover me with a wash of your great love.

When someone sees me and looks at my joyous face...
They ask how I live every day so happily
I tell them I'm your child in your warm embrace
And that they too can have it all so perfectly.


Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Thanksgiving Table

The Thanksgiving Table

I see a beautiful table set before me,
It's all arranged with detail; so lavish and fair
The food dishes have been placed down so perfectly
Each chair has been positioned with the greatest care.

Yet, something feels to be somewhat different this year,
There's a breathtaking light that seems to fill the room
I look at it all and begin to shed a tear
My curious heart yearns to know much more and soon.

At the head chair, there's a crown shining brilliantly,
As I walk around, things begin to grow more clear
The next spot was mine and all that God's done for me
Looking at it all, I shed another tear.

I saw a space for all of my friends and loved ones
and all those from day to day I don't truly know
There was a clear picture of what God's love had done
A true sense of promise and hope began to show.

As I walked further around the room, on my way,
Your presence and mighty power grew brighter still
I dropped down to my knees not knowing what to say
I gloried in your presence and masterful will.

You showed me to be thankful in all that I am
To see your grace and love in all things, with great care
and not to complain at all, for this is your plan
But, trust in you and know that you are always there.

I proudly took my place at the table that day,
For I'd learned what Thanksgiving truly means to me
Giving thanks to God for it all on life's pathway
and doing it humbly and with purity.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Thankgiving Question

A question was asked of one man so plainly and direct...
Please tell me sir, what in this world are you most thankful for?
He thought, and wanted his answer to be the very best
Well, I have everything I could ever want and much more.

But then, a man who had nothing stepped up to answer too...
The first man smirked at the thought of what his answer would be
He smiled, and called himself a blessed man his whole lifetime through
Because of God's goodness, his friends and loving family.

The first man bowed his head in shame at his answer so true..
He asked the other man why he is so happy each day
He answered, Because Jesus is my hope in all I do
No matter what or where, he will always make a great way.

Tears began to fall as he fell down to his knees and cried..
The good man put his arm around him and began to pray
He knew that God's love and grace by them would abide
And a brand new heart and life for Jesus was born that day.

The first man looked at things differently with blessed happiness...
He was thankful for what came from Jesus heart with much love
He learned that the simple things in life are the true success
And makes sure to display a grateful heart to God above.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Just One Path

My Jesus...

I see 👣 footsteps leading to the doors of your kingdom so true...
Yet, the long way is quite narrow and straight forward at its best
I repent of my sins and rededicate my life to you
I know that you 💘 love me and I'll be with you in happiness.

But Lord I know with you all things are possible every day...
You empower me with your goodness, strength and eternal love.
I can tell others about your love and the one, only real way
And they will find that one true path to eternal life above.

For true success is found in serving, loving and praising you...
And being an instrument so that others know what is real
There is just one path to life's greatest treasure that so true
Lord, I want others to know about our bond and how I feel.


Sunday, November 14, 2021

Yearning For Perfect Peace


When the heart is searching for perfect peace to flow and make all things new...
It can be a dream and desire that's impossible to find
For everything wonderful flows from your breathtaking heart Lord from you
Brand new seeds of hope replanted that brings promise from your hands in kind.

You tell me how much you love me and that won't change in any way...
One move of your great spirit and there's a flow of purest happiness
Giving me a calm in my spirit and an endurance for each day
Realizing that you are my perfect peace and that I am truly blessed.

Knowing that I have found the greatest information that must be shared...
And spread the good news of purest joy to even one life so true
Letting them know how much you love them and that you will always be there
I can make a true difference telling even one person about you.

Monday, November 8, 2021

You Are My Anchor


You are the air that perfectly fills my lungs every day...
You are the power that gives my heart joy to beat strong and true
When my spirit needs direction I know you'll provide the way
There is no doubt that my soul Lord can always look upon you.

You are my perfect peace that gives me strength to take on each step...
And not only succeed but do so with my Saviors delight
I can do anything because you always give me your best
You are my foundation who keeps me strong with heavenly might.

Jesus you are my anchor for all that I am and much more...
I know that you will take care of me and have a special plan
I can't wait to see what you have in mind down at your hearts core
My Jesus I am reaching out with pure love for your great hand.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Mirror Of Life

Precious Jesus.....

The greatest honor is what you have given to me...
Being called your beloved child that means all to you
It's a cherished gift I'll praise for eternity
I want others to see your love in all that I do.

I want your 💘 love to live within me in such a way...
That it shows your precious mercy, goodness and the best
When others see my heart and life near them every day
They'll know your precious goodness and joy and be so blessed.

Jesus, make me a mirror of you and your great love.....
I'm a citizen of Heaven, doing your will true
That others may come to know your grace and joy above
And everything super special that can come from you.

Even if one life looks beyond the mirror and glare.....
And makes the decision to live every day for you
The Kingdom trumpets will sound with delight everywhere
Welcoming a heart saved for your glory now so new!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

I Need Your Light

My Jesus....

I need your breathtaking light to be the guiding point of my days...
Guiding my footsteps and helping me through the ☁ clouds that are so near
Like a lighthouse of peace and love showing me the perfect, real way
Holding me in your arms of love and filling me with peace so dear

I need your sweet love to be my power on my pathway so true...
Giving me a reason to go
 ahead with delight and majesty
Your grace will be my solution that I can always count on you
You are always blessing and bringing out the very best in me.

I need your perfect touch to begin something wonderful and grand...
A Horizon so incredible it brings peace and so much more
I can see the opening of your heart and your mighty, pure hands
Lord, I'm waiting for a move of your spirit like never before!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...