Sunday, November 14, 2021

Yearning For Perfect Peace


When the heart is searching for perfect peace to flow and make all things new...
It can be a dream and desire that's impossible to find
For everything wonderful flows from your breathtaking heart Lord from you
Brand new seeds of hope replanted that brings promise from your hands in kind.

You tell me how much you love me and that won't change in any way...
One move of your great spirit and there's a flow of purest happiness
Giving me a calm in my spirit and an endurance for each day
Realizing that you are my perfect peace and that I am truly blessed.

Knowing that I have found the greatest information that must be shared...
And spread the good news of purest joy to even one life so true
Letting them know how much you love them and that you will always be there
I can make a true difference telling even one person about you.

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