I am so grateful for you loving me more than I can imagine grand and true...
You gave a special gift so many years ago of mercy and ♥ heart's delight
Master, you saved me and made sure all of my sins are forgiven by you
By sacrificing something that is so dear and so very precious in your sight.
Your Son suffered and paid the price because you want the best just for me...
Knowing that I am imperfect all of my sins would be wiped clean and start a new
He took all of those heavy burdens and faced the great pain at Mount Calvary
So that I can experience his most greatest love and serve him my whole life through.
I am so grateful more than words can say for the greatest most precious gift 📦 of all...
I'll honor and praise you and bring glory to you in the greatest degree
Thank you for your compassion and for your grace and love that is there when I call
Thank you for your blessing of hope and promise that has been given abundantly!