Saturday, March 16, 2024

My Greatest Wish

My Beloved Savior...

The greatest desire of my heart ♥ is to bring great glory to you perfectly...
To let others see the beauty of your love in so many wonderful, real ways 
I want you to know how much your friendship and power always mean Lord to me
You are the real purpose and provision that I will always need every day. 

The greatest desire of my heart ♥ is to show gratitude to you always...
Jesus I want to send Thanksgiving to you with my greatest love and happiness 
For you are my purpose, my everything and hope for every one of my sweet days 
Having the privilege to always have you by my side I know that I will always feel blessed. 

The greatest desire of my heart ♥ is to tell others how much I am so loved...
I never have to worry at any time because I know my Lord you are always there 
You are every wish I could ever want and every dream my heart ♥ can think of 
Thank you for being every thing I'll ever need and for showing me that you care.

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