Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Pathway Of Promise

  Melissa looked at her own reflection and expressed disappointment and disgust.  It was nearing final exams.  She knew that her grades weren't where they needed to be.

  How could she disappoint her mom?  When her Dad died, her mother took on two more part time jobs.  She wanted to make sure that she and her brother got what they needed. 

Just then, her best friend Gina walked into their room.    She was carrying the grade vouchers.  They listed the grades just before finals.

  "Look at these babies!"  Gina said, waving her paper. 
"It's a straight 4.0 average!"
Melissa began to get very angry.  She started a fight with her. 

Gina quickly packed her things and moved out.  She made arrangements to find another room.  She didn't understand what had happened.  She and Melissa had been friends a long time.

  Melissa felt even more down.  If no one was there to share the room she'd lose that too.  She knew she couldn't afford it.

  She walked over to the chapel.  It was a quiet place to sit and think.  She put her hands to her face and began to cry.  Just then she could feel an arm on her shoulder.

  Are you okay?  A gentle voice said.  Melissa looked up and saw a sweet elderly lady sitting near her.  "Yes, mame" Melissa answered as she wiped away tears.

  "Please don't fib to me" She said.  "Now please tell me what is wrong"  Melissa didn't like the idea of talking to strangers.  But she had to talk to someone.

  The elderly woman listened attentively and smiled.  "Do you know the Lord?" She asked.  Melissa shook her head.  "Would you like to?"  Melissa agreed, and took her hands.

  "You don't ever have to feel alone or be afraid.  He is always with you."  She said.  She told Melissa that she could get perfect scores on her tests.  But she have to believe in the Lord and herself.

  Melissa reached over to thank her.  But she had vanished.  All that was there was a small bible entitled "bible for new believers".

Melissa walked 🏡 Home and began 📚 reading.  She gave everything to God and asked for His help.  She devised a study plan and began working on it.

  By the time finals were over she had gotten all As.  It was enough to bring her overall score to an A-.

  She had asked about the elderly woman all around campus.  No one knew who she was.

  Melissa went to Gina and apologized.  The two agreed to move in together again.  Melissa was relieved that she could make her mother proud.

But she was also thankful for a precious angel that came from God's heart just when she needed it most.


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