Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How Can I Thank You?

Precious Jesus...

How can I say thank you enough for your great patience with me?
You are always there by my side with grace and love when I call
The beauty of your heart keeps me protected so perfectly
Lord I take your hand and look towards your great power through it all.

How can I say thank you enough for your mercy every day,
You care about me with adoration like no one else can
I am forgiven through the breath of your hope in every way
There is a dream to reach out for by your perfect mighty plan.

How can I say thank you enough to be your child so dear?
You call me your wonderful masterpiece and your very own
When you are with me Lord there is never any doubt or fear
Thank you with a grateful heart I can call Heaven my great home!


  1. This is so beautiful Lisa! It gave me a lot of peace to be able to read this during today's hectic morning.


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