Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Person I See

If I had to take a moment and look inside my soul,
And try to define this person somehow so perfectly
What kind of answer would there be that is complete and whole
The ideal answer that totally describes the real me.

Am I defined by the job that I do or my family
Or is it everything that I hold within hands?
The friends that I have or what I hope my great dreams will be
Is it the provisions that fuel all my greatest plans.

But with all that is happening in the world today,
It is important to remember what matters so true
What is done for Christ ever more in so many great ways
Should be the thing that is the most important to you.

You are His precious child and the bright jewel of His eyes,
That's what really matters above all evermore
Your definition is found in His heart to no surprise
His spirit will be your lifeline and joy all in store.

So, when someone asks you who you are look up joyfully
And remember the bond you share with your Father above
You're His child and a light of His heart for all to see
United with Him on a mission guided by His love.

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