Sunday, May 17, 2020

True Love

  Kristy sat quietly in the cold, quiet hospital room with her head down.  She brushed away the steady
flow of tears that cascaded from her eyes.  She regretfully listened to the endless beeping of the team of machines that were keeping her friend alive.

  Just then, the door slowly opened.  The nurse came in pulling a cart.  "You should go home and get some rest."  She said to Kristy.

  "I am fine." Kristy answered. "Either way you will have to step out now while we care for her." The nurse responded.

  Kristy slowly walked just a few doors down to the waiting room.  As she sat down, a few ladies from her church came in and sat with her.  They asked if they could pray with her.

  Kristy took each ladies hand and bowed her head.  When it was over she thanked them and tried to smile. 

  Suddenly, there was loud commotion in the hall.  Some sort of code was being announced.  Kristy ran back to Lauren's room.  They wouldn't let her in.

  Moments later, everyone came out.  Lauren was gone.  Kristy fell to the floor and wept uncontrollably.  The ladies tried to help her.  They took her home to make sure she was safe.

  Kristy went in and sat in the corner in the dark.  She couldn't sleep or eat.  She felt nothing.  All she could do is cry.

  She couldn't bring herself to go to work or her church.  This continued for days.  Her answering machine was full of unanswered calls.

  Finally, after a week the same two ladies returned to her house.  They knew she wouldn't answer the phone or door.  So they pounded on the window until she let them in.

  They began opening the blinds and cleaning up.  They placed the food they brought on the table.  Kristy still refused to eat.

  "Let us pray."  They suggested.  "No, where was God in all this?  Why did he let her die?"  Kristy said

  "How dare you question God!"  One of the ladies said.  "He is a God of perfect wisdom.  He did what was right for Lauren.  Did you want her to suffer?"

  "No I wanted her to be healed."  Kristy answered.  "She is healed!  She is in the glorious presence of Jesus!  You will see her again if you don't turn from God."  The other lady said.

  Kristy thought about it.  She began to weep uncontrollably and loudly.  The ladies took her hands and they prayed.

  She asked God for forgiveness and rededicated her life to Him.  Kristy began to feel a little better and thanked the ladies.

  The funeral and the next few weeks were hard.  But the ladies were with her every step of the way praying for her and standing by her.

  Kristy returned to church.  She even got a brand new dynamic job helping others deal with grief.  She was grateful that God never left her even though she didn't see it.

  She was thankful for His grace and perfect, true love that is always there!


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