Friday, February 26, 2021

The Heart Reflection

Sweet Jesus...

I see a breathtaking reflection like nothing that I have seen before...
It is a beautiful depiction of something wonderful and true
And when I take the extra time to look I want to know so much more
I want to study its depth and learn a lot more my whole journey through.

As I look I can see the beauty of your happiness coming through...
Your perfect joy begins to shine and surrounds me on every end
The wonder of your miraculous power makes an appearance too
I begin to see a portrait form of a wondrous best friend.

As I look into my heart's reflection there's a 😃 smile that's there...
The beautiful face of my Jesus who will always be there for me 
Keeping me in His power and embrace and showing me that He cares
My Jesus you are my heart reflection for all of eternity.

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