Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Throne Of Grace

My Jesus...

I feel so unworthy and broken, sometimes in disrepair...
My hurting heart searches for a new horizon so perfectly
I come on bended knee before your throne unloading all my cares
And feel your beautiful, breathtaking presence reaching out to me.

You wrapped your great power around me with adoration so true...
And filled me with a warmth made of happiness, peace and perfect love
I can feel all that I need and everything wonderful from you
You will be with me and take care of me from your throne above.

I can feel great healing so powerful and peace now taking place...
You want me to realize that I never have to feel down again
But instead know that I am loved and seek your precious face
I need to put all of my trust in you my Saviour and best friend.

Each time I come boldly before the throne of grace you take my hands...
And promise to be with me and to guide me all along the way
You assure me that you'll take care of everything and have great plans
You will be the source of everything that I will need each day.

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