Sunday, May 9, 2021

Portrait Of A Hero


How do you describe someone who gives so much in every way...
Their heart is always dedicated to others with love so true
They are a true example of God's grace and love every day
And are His instrument and blessing in everything they do.

They are peace makers that bring every moment His tranquility...
His great lighthouse of organization, wisdom and delight
A nurturing source of hope that heeds to all things that He may say
A devoted daughter complying with His wishes with all might.

They are a servant ready to follow where the Saviour may lead...
And bring success and honor to Him in all they may do
Leading loved ones to realize He's the answer to their true needs
No matter what the pathway He's always there to see them through.

They love the position of Mom that they take seriously...
But there's another position of daughter they hold so true
Striving for that moment when their Saviours bright smile they will see
And He says.."Well done my daughter.  I am so very proud of you!"

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