Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Author

My Jesus...

My heart listens with attentiveness for all the great things that I see...
Suddenly something ground changing and wonderful begins to take place
The pen is placed in the authors hands for him to rewrite the story
And to create a beautiful masterpiece at his own time and pace.

He has every great thing outlined, planned, and so noted all perfectly...
But everything in its own special time will be so revealed and bestowed
He begins his writing with such diligence and all so motivatingly
Planning every step of the journey that only he himself knows.

Suddenly, little bits of great inspiration begin to appear...
A light so brilliant and wonderful now shines with a mighty new plan
A love and grace is all around making things all purposeful and dear
And now you can see an emerging blueprint of the writer's great hand.

You seek out his creative writing genius in deep filled loving prayer...
And look for that creative guidance in the next steps he wants from you
Please know that no matter where or what he will give you his greatest care
Jesus the Creator and Author is always there in all you do.

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