Tuesday, July 27, 2021

My Heart Breaks


You see the heartbreak and pain that I am going through...
I feel so alone and like a great failure right now
I don't see any hope or great promise to cling to
I want to pick myself up with joy but don't know how.

I made some mistakes that weigh on me with great sorrow...
I can feel the greatest part of me breaking apart
Through all these feelings my heart can't see a tomorrow
I'm not worth anything at all deep in my heart.

But your hands of pure love reach down to embrace me...
And pull me closer to you with peace and happiness
Through your eyes a bright new future I can see
Where your presence will open doors to only the best.

So I'm starting to feel a little better right now...
I know that I just need to listen when you call
When I take each step you'll be there and show me how
And you will be there and hold me straight up through it all.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Real Happiness

My Jesus...

A heart desires to feel alive and filled with delight each day...
Searching for that excellent joy that can never be destroyed
Looking for a life changing restoration in every way
That can create real pathways and fill up every real void.

Suddenly the heart of a Saviour comes shining through so bright...
Revealing the great composition of a love that so pure
A love that brings strength for every moment and real hope in sight
That gives you power to walk forward and strength to so endure.

Real happiness is found in my Jesus perfect love and grace...
It can never be taken away or hindered with at all
Just open up to him and always feel his loving embrace
He is always there without limits whenever you may call.

Mighty Saving Hands Of Grace

My Jesus....

I see two hands opening lovingly to me...
A mighty, fresh spirit of grace moves all around
Now, a miraculous sight I begin to see
As perfect, pure love begins working and abounds.

I begin to feel that I am cherished and adored...
That I am forgiven and more by a great gift
My spirit feels like I've gotten a great award
And this gives my heart and mind a mighty big lift.

I am the precious child of the Lord above...
He forgives and makes all things new forever more
I need to dedicate my heart and life and love
And He'll give me salvation from Heavens great door.

It's not a gift I'll take for granted this is true...
It is my peace, my hope and my everything
When I seek the Lord in everything I do
His song of eternal life my heart will now sing.

Behold Your Smile


Your breathtaking smile is my guiding light to embark on my pathway...
To take every step with strength and endurance that only comes straight from you
You give me the peace and the confidence, and the wisdom I need every day
You are my promise that will provide and protect and always see me through.

Your beautiful smile is my motivation that you are with me...
You empower me to dream and to grow and always do the best that I can
Through your powerful anointing I can always be the best I can be
As my faith binds our hearts as one I will follow your perfect, holy plan.

Your powerful smile is all that I yearn for and ever want to see...
It is my reassuring sign that my Saviour is working strong and true
Through your picture perfect smile is all that I have ever strived to be
It gives me more of a desire Jesus to be exactly like you.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Light Of Forgiveness


Please place the light of forgiveness so brightly within me...
Let it become a part of the masterpiece you create
I want you to take pride when within my heart you soon see
All that you have hoped for that you so want to embrace.

Forgiveness is not so easy for the human heart so bland...
When someone hurts you it is very hard to let it go
But then you come in to guide with the peace of your great hand
And a brighter light of forgiveness once again does show.

But then you remind of the greatest one of them all...
Learning to forgive and to greatly love yourself so true
This can be difficult and requires the hearts true call
And you hear the distress and are always there each day through.

You remind me I'm not perfect but you are my best friend...
I need to lay it all down at the cross and leave it go
You forgive me and I should forgive and let my heart mend
And watch more of that beautiful bright light begin to show.

So my Jesus I take your hand and am ready to seek you...
My heart is learning forgiveness and is brighter now still
Help me to be a shadow of your perfect love so true
Let me be your brilliant vessel according to your will.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Who Am I?

My Wonderful Jesus...

If someone were to ask you about your true beliefs, what would you tell them today?
Would you know exactly what words to use and to unshakeably stand firm?
Or would you stand there confused and not know the words you would so boldly say
And realize that you have to seek advice and have so much more that you must learn.

But then, a breathtaking spirit of love infiltrates every part of you...
It reminds you just how much you are loved and cared for with tender grace
Merciful arms of wisdom reach out for you in everything you do
And show you that you are so unique and have a special purpose and place.

That's when you realize your place is found in Jesus sweetest heart above...
He is your life, your hope, your heart beat and all that you are your everything
Your purpose and your definition is located always in his love
Your heart knows you must stand up for your beliefs no matter what life may bring.

So you step back, take a deep breath and begin to put on the armor so true...
Ready to defend what you believe with confidence forever more
Knowing your Heavenly Father is always the footsteps next to you
There is a beautiful flow of salvation coming from Heavens door.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

An Grateful Heart

Precious Jesus...

How can I say thank you with all that I am and so much more...
The outflow from your heart is more generous than words can say
You are the brilliant rainbow of promise that I so adore
And reach for with every essence of who I am every day.

How can I say thank you enough for a perfect love so true..
And a warm, inviting grace that surrounds everything with care
For a Saviours hands that take care of me whatever I do
And the gift of compassion and mercy that help me to bear.

How can I say thank you enough for making me royalty....
I want to serve my great Saviour with the purest heart that is whole.
Look at me with determination that there is promise in me
As long as you are by my side I can see success untold.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

My Shield And Foundation

Jesus, my Saviour...

I place my heart and all that is me into your Craftman's hands...
And humbly ask you take the pieces and begin to work true
Show me how to be all that you want by your mighty command
Teach me about and place in me perfect Faith in all I do.

A bold Faith that gives me clear focus when clouds block my way...
And I can't seem to see anything that is real far or near
Your presence begins to work mightily for a brand new day
Giving me direction and purpose that I can hold so dear.

A rugged Faith that gives me direction to take each step...
Knowing that I am uncertain and fearful along the way
It is my foundation to look forward to the journeys best
Guaranteeing that you will be beside me every day.

Jesus, I'm ready to receive my life gear from you...
I want to accomplish your plans for my life's mission at best
Draw me close to your heart to hear your voice in all that I do
Shape me for your Faith filled mission of success and happiness!

Monday, July 5, 2021

Just One Step

My Jesus...

Just one step of powerful faith takes me one step closer to you...
Closer to the perfect beauty of who you are and will always be
I want to be on your foundation in everything that I do
And have your love and power be the light of hope that ignites me.

I want to trust you in every instance never doubting at all...
Always knowing your love will take me every step of the way
Preparing paths and opening my heart for whenever you call
Touching my spirit to follow you to a new and brighter day.

Lord I am taking that powerful step at this moment so true...
Waiting for you to move aAgain to something beyond compare
You are the light of great hope and promise in all that I may do
Jesus I know that with each faithful step I take you will be there.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Freedom Song

My Beloved Jesus...

I can hear the beautiful blessings playing loudly for me...
They sing that wondrous melody to my heart every day
I pay such close attention and listen wholeheartedly
And can see everything in such a clear and awesome fresh way.

I can see that Freedom is such a key blessing from you...
It is an honor that my spirit takes to its very core
And I never take for granted but give thanks in all I do
Praising you with Thanksgiving, humble gratitude and more.

But then I realize that there will come a day that is so true...
When others will try to make that great freedom come to an end
But I'll stand strong on the beliefs of my heart in all I do
Always leaning on your love and grace my Saviour and best friend.

You will take care of me and protect me with your great glory...
I pray for those whose freedom is at the moment not there
That you would minister to their hearts with salvation great story
And show them with your tender power that you are always there.

May everyone always be able to hear freedom's great song...
It's the most beautiful melody of hope and promise that plays
Walking with you in tranquility and joy all the year long
And bringing love and success to every brand new day.

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...