Sunday, July 11, 2021

My Shield And Foundation

Jesus, my Saviour...

I place my heart and all that is me into your Craftman's hands...
And humbly ask you take the pieces and begin to work true
Show me how to be all that you want by your mighty command
Teach me about and place in me perfect Faith in all I do.

A bold Faith that gives me clear focus when clouds block my way...
And I can't seem to see anything that is real far or near
Your presence begins to work mightily for a brand new day
Giving me direction and purpose that I can hold so dear.

A rugged Faith that gives me direction to take each step...
Knowing that I am uncertain and fearful along the way
It is my foundation to look forward to the journeys best
Guaranteeing that you will be beside me every day.

Jesus, I'm ready to receive my life gear from you...
I want to accomplish your plans for my life's mission at best
Draw me close to your heart to hear your voice in all that I do
Shape me for your Faith filled mission of success and happiness!

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