Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Answer

Jesus, My Heart...

When I see all of the things going on around me every day...
My spirit wants to cry and give up as quickly as it can
It all looks so unmanageable and sad more than words can say
I don't see any trusted direction or feasible new plan.

But then someone tells me about the breathtaking beauty of your heart...
And all the wonderful things that overflow from it every day
I want to make a faithful pledge from which I will never depart
Seeking your will and direction in every possible way.
I can see real answers to some things that I have been searching for...
And a little more explanation to make it complete and grand
Beautiful love and grace that is flowing freely from Heavens door
And wondrous light of hope and great message coming from your hands.
You are the answer to every major heart question...
And the refreshing life spirit that every soul wants to run to
You are my happiness at the moment I heard you mentioned
My Jesus you are my everything and I really love you!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A Thankful And Grateful ❤ Heart

My beloved Jesus...

As I sit here on this cold Thanksgiving celebration so true...
My ❤ heart starts to reflect on it all with wonder and pagentry
The things that have real meaning are blessings that come with 💘 love from you
And make each day a chance to live for you and serve you perfectly.

👪 Family and friends that make me laugh and stand by my side for all times...
All of my needs being met according to your will and great plan
Making a difference and planting your hope in other hearts and minds 
Being your instrument and vessel that fulfills your great command

As I sit I know I'm honored to be your child so dear...
To have you as my everything, my Saviour and my real best friend
I want to remember to give real thanks every day of the year
Because your love and grace sweet goodness and mercy just never end!

Friday, November 18, 2022

The Thanksgiving Gift

A 👩 woman was trying to buy food for her Thanksgiving meal as she waited so patiently... 
There were large busy crowds because of the season everywhere
She leaned in to find out what was holding up the line and what the major problem there could be
Just at that moment she was shocked at how cold many people could be and that they did not care.

A young mother was trying to buy groceries for her kids as they cried so loudly at her side...
She did not have all the money that she needed as people called her names that were poor
She could not stand to see her tears and the cruelty was more than she could abide
So the woman quickly left her cart and moved to the front of the line in the busy store.

She paid for her groceries in full and gave her some money on the side with a big 😃 smile...
After that the kids were given some 🍬 candy and a hug with a lot more love and joy there
The gratitude from the young mother and kids made everything so worthwhile
It was truly an example of God's greatest love that shows how much a big heart can care.

The woman finished her shopping trip and went 🏡 home to get ready for her own sweet holiday...
She set an extra place at the head of the table as she always does with a heart so true
She placed all of the napkins and place cards down in a very proficient and delicate way
The one at the head said 'my Jesus our very special guest this place and place card are for you'..

That day as everyone bowed their heads a light shined at the head of the table so bright...
The 👩 woman fell to her knees in fear with utter shock and surprise
She began exhaulting the Lord with tears coming down and gratefulness with all of her great might
Knowing the true purpose of that holiday celebration was for a heart so wise.
The beauty and breathtaking honor of his love and presence in the room was a delightful sight.

The Thanksgiving was so special that year and would continue to grow strong forever more...
It was a lesson of hope that would apply to each and everyone of us true 
When you are grateful and kind and all that you've been given through Heavens great door
My Jesus I am so grateful and thankful for all of my Thanksgiving 🎁 gifts that come from you!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Heavenly Rain Drops

My Breathtaking Jesus...

As I begin to 🚶 walk upon my long pathway...
I can see such thick clouds gathering around me
It troubled my calmed heart more than words can say
My anguish grew not knowing what to believe.

These ❤ heart's are so distant from Your mighty love...
I can't see the pulse of a Heavenly plan
It is more confusion than I can now think of
Lord it seems that no one is in command.

But then as I look to the Heavens true...
And fall to my knees in heart felt Kingdom prayer
The ☁ clouds start to draw like a 🌞 sunrise so new
My ❤ heart can see a miracle happening there.

I feel Heavenly raindrops from a Saviours heart...
I begin to see things so positively
Reminded you're in control from the start
Your power begins to take control of me.

I start looking at life just as You would do...
Reaching out for your anointing and your hand
Having faith in your wisdom my whole journey through
By Your time and will You'll reveal Your great plan.

I enjoy Heavenly raindrops from above...
I'll draw all I can from them perfectly
Because I know it shows the depths of Your love
And my Saviour how much You care about me!

Friday, November 11, 2022

The Strongest Pathway


My ❤ heart's greatest tendency is to want to give up in every way...
Seeing all the miserable and negative things around me as a whole
Sometimes I can't see any direction to a new and brighter day
I feel like in every essence that I don't have any control.

But then a sense of real tranquility overwhelms my spirit so pure...
Suddenly I begin to see things differently through your wonder and grace
Jesus you increase my faith and give me such strength to lean on and endure
I feel like a brand new person being restored within your great embrace.

You show me to never give up that you are there and working on it all...
No matter what it looks like from my perspective nothing is hard Lord for you
Your heart is always listening for my voice at any time I may call
My Jesus I know that there's nothing that you and I together can't do.

So on this new day I prepare to embark upon my pathway again...
Placing my new faith shield and great attitude at the heart of all that's me
I reach out with all my ❤ heart to take the hand of Jesus my dear best friend
Knowing with joy that I will take the strongest footsteps successfully!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Dear Lord,

Please protect my dear friends today

watch over them in all they do

Be their foundation of hope in every way

and their best friend to call upon so true

Give them a peace that is always there

and a strength that grows more as they go

Show them with your love how much you care

and all of your compassion let them know.

Let them feel your presence so strong and bright

and your grace with such unending happiness

Help them to feel pleasing in your sight

and to know that they are wonderfully blessed.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Fire Of Your Anointing


I yearn for your sweet spirit to come now and fill me with your sweet anointing...
Let every essence of who you are flow within me like pure oil from above
Instilling peace, comfort and compassion and all things wonderful you can bring
You are my mighty source of hope who blesses me and brings me your mighty, true love.

I yearn to feel your power and know your great plan in every way...
Recreate your devoted child and instrument to be all you want and so much more
Give me all that I need to do your wishes as I see each day
Help me to see the great things that a faith filled life with you has and much more.

I yearn to be in a rugged life bond with you from now through eternity so true...
Moment by moment feeling the 🔥 fire of your power burning brightly in me
I want to draw much closer and feel your spirit around me like life so new
 Jesus I want to carry your breathtaking flame of life
For all to now see.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

When I See Another 🌅 Sunrise

My Precious Jesus...

As I look up and see the sun's beauty peaking from beyond the horizons sky..
I think about the wonder of your goodness and how you have so much love for me
Sometimes when I look in the mirror I don't see what you see and I wonder why
Yet your magnificent presence and love is always there and so abundantly.

Your forgiveness and mercy cleanse me and make me a new person just like you...
I am your child on a journey taking fresh steps with you every day
Watching as you plant within me seeds of hope so your planned dreams for my life come true
And strengthen our unbelievable bond in such a rugged and mighty way.

You are my eternally shining light that keeps things going more and more...
You are my definition, my breath and the energy that shows me what to do
I can't wait for another sunrise because I know such good things are in store
My sweet Jesus I never want to think about another new day without you!

Friday, November 4, 2022

Lord, I Want To Hear Your Voice

My Jesus...

My heart longs to hear the breathtaking beauty of your voice so mighty...
Orchestrating like a wonderful symphony to my heart so true
Sharing with me your wisdom and the light of your love so perfectly
Guiding me with power and anointing in all things I must do.

I long to hear it so clearly and with great understanding and grace...
To learn and become more like you in every way on bended knee
Jesus I long to see the brilliance and delight of your precious face
Walking in your great magnificent presence is where I long to be.

So teach me to see as you do with clarity of spirit and heart...
Prepare me my Saviour to be your instrument with a joy so true
Show me your word and ways and plant them from which I will not depart
Jesus I want to see sweet things coming from your heart and hear from you!

You Are Always There

 My Jesus..

When my ❤ heart feels so broken and hurting in such a debilitating way..

The emptiness and pain are too heavy and too much of a burden to bear

Tears begin to flow from your eyes and you want to bring me peace and comfort and a new day

You want to show me that you're my sweet Saviour and best friend who truly does care.

You wrap me in your arms of 💘 love and give me such encouragement that is real...

Your powerful presence fills me like something that I have never known well before

That anointing speaks to my spirit and soul with a delight that I want to feel

Telling me that I can always come before your throne in prayer on Heavens shore.

I can always come just as I am with humility at my heart's core..

Your grace is always there to show me love with a plan and a purpose my whole life through

Crafting within me something so wonderful and so much more

My Jesus, You are my everything and I can always come before you!

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

A Grateful ❤ Heart For All Seasons

My Jesus...

As I travel upon my journey with intimidation within my struggling soul...
I can't see anything but a winding pathway and confusion at its very best
There are clouds and rain and such sadness begins to take its great toll
I have forgotten what your great joy is like and the wonder of your happiness.

A beautiful umbrella of your love and anointing comes in to cover me...
You whisper in my ear that I am your sweet beloved child that you greatly adore
Your grace shows me that there are many of your blessings large and small that are there to see
Your presence is there my Lord working to be my everything and so much more.

Suddenly there is a tranquility within my heart that I've never known before...
I am truly thankful for the honor that you have given with mercy to me
I await with anticipation the breathtaking beauty that you have in store
Your compassion begins to teach me all of the wondrous things that I am now to see.

You show me that you are with me through every hour of each new blossoming day...
You are there to carry me through every time when I feel I cannot see the plan
You show me how you carefully pave the path and provide all things along the way
All of the mighty and magnificent things worth having come from your perfect hands.

So now the eyes of my soul begin to open wide and see things as you want me to...
Every good and perfect thing large and small that comes from your beloved heart unto me
I have learned what it truly means to be grateful for your goodness Lord my whole life through
The wonder and beauty of your power and love I want more of so perfectly!


I Open My Heart ❤️ To Your Anointing

Precious 💞 Jesus.. The door is wide open with yearning and delight to all that you are in every way... Come let Your sweet anointing and gr...