Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A Thankful And Grateful ❤ Heart

My beloved Jesus...

As I sit here on this cold Thanksgiving celebration so true...
My ❤ heart starts to reflect on it all with wonder and pagentry
The things that have real meaning are blessings that come with 💘 love from you
And make each day a chance to live for you and serve you perfectly.

👪 Family and friends that make me laugh and stand by my side for all times...
All of my needs being met according to your will and great plan
Making a difference and planting your hope in other hearts and minds 
Being your instrument and vessel that fulfills your great command

As I sit I know I'm honored to be your child so dear...
To have you as my everything, my Saviour and my real best friend
I want to remember to give real thanks every day of the year
Because your love and grace sweet goodness and mercy just never end!

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