Friday, November 18, 2022

The Thanksgiving Gift

A 👩 woman was trying to buy food for her Thanksgiving meal as she waited so patiently... 
There were large busy crowds because of the season everywhere
She leaned in to find out what was holding up the line and what the major problem there could be
Just at that moment she was shocked at how cold many people could be and that they did not care.

A young mother was trying to buy groceries for her kids as they cried so loudly at her side...
She did not have all the money that she needed as people called her names that were poor
She could not stand to see her tears and the cruelty was more than she could abide
So the woman quickly left her cart and moved to the front of the line in the busy store.

She paid for her groceries in full and gave her some money on the side with a big 😃 smile...
After that the kids were given some 🍬 candy and a hug with a lot more love and joy there
The gratitude from the young mother and kids made everything so worthwhile
It was truly an example of God's greatest love that shows how much a big heart can care.

The woman finished her shopping trip and went 🏡 home to get ready for her own sweet holiday...
She set an extra place at the head of the table as she always does with a heart so true
She placed all of the napkins and place cards down in a very proficient and delicate way
The one at the head said 'my Jesus our very special guest this place and place card are for you'..

That day as everyone bowed their heads a light shined at the head of the table so bright...
The 👩 woman fell to her knees in fear with utter shock and surprise
She began exhaulting the Lord with tears coming down and gratefulness with all of her great might
Knowing the true purpose of that holiday celebration was for a heart so wise.
The beauty and breathtaking honor of his love and presence in the room was a delightful sight.

The Thanksgiving was so special that year and would continue to grow strong forever more...
It was a lesson of hope that would apply to each and everyone of us true 
When you are grateful and kind and all that you've been given through Heavens great door
My Jesus I am so grateful and thankful for all of my Thanksgiving 🎁 gifts that come from you!

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