Friday, November 4, 2022

Lord, I Want To Hear Your Voice

My Jesus...

My heart longs to hear the breathtaking beauty of your voice so mighty...
Orchestrating like a wonderful symphony to my heart so true
Sharing with me your wisdom and the light of your love so perfectly
Guiding me with power and anointing in all things I must do.

I long to hear it so clearly and with great understanding and grace...
To learn and become more like you in every way on bended knee
Jesus I long to see the brilliance and delight of your precious face
Walking in your great magnificent presence is where I long to be.

So teach me to see as you do with clarity of spirit and heart...
Prepare me my Saviour to be your instrument with a joy so true
Show me your word and ways and plant them from which I will not depart
Jesus I want to see sweet things coming from your heart and hear from you!

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