Friday, March 17, 2023

Rugged Faith

My Jesus...

Sometimes it's hard to understand and sort through things perfectly...
I can't in my own human way do it quite well anymore
So I'm asking you to help me work on my faith anxiously
I know your hands of love and grace have many good things in store.

My faith has to be completely embedded in who you are...
There has to be a real trust that you will do all that you say
Lord, you are my everything and my great life mentor by far
But I want to learn things and have your foundation strong today.

Let your love write a new chapter upon my heart that we'll share...
Help me to rest in your presence and lean on You each day through
Your spirit will surround me and show me just how much you care
My Saviour, I am studying as I walk each day with you.

I've learned I'm not alone and never have to bear anything...
You are always in charge and have all things under your control
Lord, I'm on your foundation with all that my new faith will bring
I know that it is quite rugged and will bless me as a whole.

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful reflection! A great reminder that the Lord is always in charge and we need to trust in Him!


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