Sunday, April 26, 2020

Father, Don't Let Go


  I am placing my hand in your hand where forever it will stay,
Strongly bonded to the power of your love and happiness
I want to become even more like you with each and every day
And to learn at your great throne all that I can at its very best.

I realize that I am not perfect by any means it is true,
But you forgive and see something special in every part of me
You see a precious work in progress that can be made just like new
And begin to work with a Craftmans flair on it all perfectly.

I take hold of your hand with an even stronger grip than before,
Something wonderful and amazing is now truly taking place
I can see your image growing strong in me and then so much more
As I close my eyes I see your spirit and breathtakingly sweet face.



Saturday, April 25, 2020

A Grateful Heart😊

  Lord thank you for the 💘 love and grace that you've given me today,
I am so grateful with a humbled heart for everything
Your presence brightens my world in so many wonderful ways
I look forward to seeing the many good things you will bring.

  I can see your mighty hands opening so wide and so true,
And I know that something wonderful and awesome is in store
I want you to know how thankful I am for all that you do
Father I yearn for more of your sweet presence and so much more.

  I know that things won't always be smooth along my pathway true,
But that's the time your love is with me at its absolute best
Helping me to stay strong and endure in all that I may do
And filling my heart with unbreakable joy and happiness.

  Lord without your love and grace I just don't know where I would be,
That is something that I never want to think about at all
I give you praise for being all I need for eternity
Father I am grateful that you're always there when I call.  Amen

Friday, April 24, 2020

Thought For The Day

When you feel like giving up, and life isn't worth it any more think about this...

Your Heavenly Father loves you more than you can imagine!
He took extra time to carefully design you to be a unique and awesome person!
He blesses you in ways large and small every day
He is in charge

So the question is why give up?

Aren't you excited to see where He will work next?

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The bright light of Faith brilliantly illuminates from the very porthole of the heart and clearly begins to define the very essence of a pathway.  The strength of hope that thrives powerfully in the spirit pushes away any boundaries or limitations and through the interpretation of the pure love that is the guide and compass of the heart motivates a miraculous, new creation to begin,  Wishes slowly begin to blossom and develop into a sparkling star of beginning called a dream.  The power of love continues to influence and that dream becomes a vision, an interpretation of what a yearning heart can accomplish.  Soon that vision grows through the seeds of happiness and belief and develops the pathway more with courage, and endurance to define a well laid line of destination as points of purpose begin to form. The push of perseverance further drives the heart to reach for that line of destination with the marked power of positivity.  There are no challenges, uncertain consideration or limitations.  This is the map of a Champion, the creed of a winner.  Never let the light of the dream die.  Never give up.  But, let true love continue to be a lighthouse that makes the approach to that finish line sweeter and brighter.
For the love of a heart is a treasured heart

Monday, April 20, 2020

Thought For The Day

Sometimes, the only way to get through the day..

You have to let go of all your concerns

You have to let go of all your worries

You have to let go of all your fears..


Just give it all over to God's perfect power and will.

He will take it and begin building a wall..

A wall of success and good things

For your good and His glory.

So give praise

What you see as negative can turn out to be a good thing.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Putting On The Shield


I pray for your spirit to cover me and those that I 💘 love,
Let it be a picture of everything wonderful from you
Give me wisdom to draw closer to you in Heaven above
And to stand firmly upon your foundation my whole life through.

Help me to remember I'm your child when clouds arrive,
Together we will face everything as a team with a plan
Your love and grace will give me hope to endure and to thrive
I am successful and victorious by your mighty hand.

Lord give me the power to wear your shield like a light each day,
On your team I can find good things in whatever comes along
I can make a difference for your kingdom in every great way
And all the while keeping your word so close as my hearts song.


Saturday, April 18, 2020

Father, When I Take Your Hand

Father when I take your hand a sense of peace fills my heart so true,
I know that you are with me and that means so much every day
My heart yearns for your presence every moment my whole life through
I want to wrap myself in your love in every possible way.

Fear tries to take a crippling hold of the deepest part of me,
Worry reaches in and tries to tear my joy and happiness apart
If I let them and stress take control, where would I possibly be?
You have total control of everything and me right from the start.

Even though I can see clearly I may not truly understand,
But trust and faith draw you closer to me and ever so near
All I have to do is take your mighty rugged hands
And without a doubt all stress, fear and worry will quickly disappear. 

Father, When I take Your Hand........A Prayer ..By Me


I come on bended knee to bring heart-felt prayer
Seeking grace before your presence, Lord, above
Your arms open beautifully with great care
and your magnificence is moved with love.

I see the hope that I desire each day
and all of the great promise that you hold in your hands
There's light that shines in a spectacular way
I behold the glory of your power, so grand.

I take your hand and feel I have a purpose
and see my new direction I have in you
Pledging my heart to you humbly is a must
For you'll keep me in your arms my whole life through.

Father, when I take your hand my life is renewed
When your arms unfold, everything is complete
The bond that we share is made stronger and true
As I pledge all that I am for your total receipt.


Friday, April 17, 2020

The Mirror

Lord God...

I look into the mirror and don't care for what I see,
Someone always has something inconsiderate to say
Why can't they see something beautiful when they look at me
They're words and cruelty hurt me more than words can say.

Tears and pain begin to flow from my eyes and my hearts core,
Your hands of compassion reach down and brush them all aside
You bring me a wave of peace, tranquility and more
Precious love surrounds me and brings me right to your side.

You show me a delicate 🌹 rose blooming in your garden there,
It is unique, fragrant, stunning and quite brand new
I am a masterpiece designed like that rose with great care
I have a special plan, promise and purpose each day through.

I should see my beauty through the one who created me,
He has the world and everything in it at His command
He makes everything wonderful and so perfectly
True Beauty can only be seen through His presence and hands. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

My Best Friend

  Have you met my best friend so precious and true,
He is always there right by my side each day
He walks in each step I take my whole life through
And gives me such hope every step of the way.

He shares all my laughter and smiles so bright,
There's comfort and peace when I'm feeling quite bad
A gentle hand dries my tears with great might
And gives me inspiration when I am sad.

  My best friend holds my hand when the clouds come through,
There will be protection and pure grace for me
He'll be by my side with help in all I do
I can trust in Him for all eternity.

  My best friend will never go away at all,
Even though I may not fully understand
He'll take care of it through faith when I may call
I'll put my trust completely in His great plan.

  Would you like to meet my best friend on this day?
He's my Father, friend and everything to me
You don't want to live without Him in any way
He's Jesus Christ the Lord of eternity.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Tears of Happiness

  He stood quietly as the crowds lined the cobbled streets so true
And watched the great commotion with disbelief, shock and pain
This gentle man from Galilee was being ushered through
He carried the heavy cross without a word of complaint.

  Suddenly the man could feel tears and sadness coming to him
He just didn't understand why this kind man was being tried
He'd brought so much goodness and always wanted hope to begin
And now He was being sentenced to death and crucified.

  The man watched in shock as they nailed Him to the heavy large cross
He could feel tears continue to stream down his pale sad face
He could hear wailing and weeping over this terrible loss
Bowing his head in disbelief over what could not be faced.

  As time passed and people left he said a prayer one more time
He began to walk the long winding road to his home
Not exactly sure how he would heal or what he would find
Suddenly he discovered that he was not alone.

  A man all dressed in White appeared to him with great happiness
"Why are you so sad and despondent as you walk today?"
The man told him everything he had saw with distress
Just then the stranger simply smiled and had this to say.

"This loving man named Jesus died on the cross for you
So that you would be forgiven of it all and set free
He loves you with a perfect love no matter what you're going through
You will live with Him in paradise for all of eternity.

The man bowed his head and gave his heart to God that day
But when he looked the stranger in White wasn't there anymore
He had found such tears of happiness in a brand new way
And the true meaning of life and love and so much more!

Friday, April 10, 2020

The Purest Beauty


The beauty of your heart never changes at any time,
It is more lovely than simple words can explain
There is a refreshing love greater than one can find
And a gentle peace that brings calm and takes away pain.

There is a forgiving nature and mercy so true
And a precious grace that overflows more and more
I can see a compassion that's there in all I do
And a breathtaking light that's glowing from Heavens door.

I can see hope and promise flowing from your hands
A special light that overtakes darkness with happiness
My heart shouts praises about salvation from your plan
I will celebrate Easter s true purpose at its best.

Sunday, April 5, 2020



  Even though I may not understand all that's going on right now
I know deep within my ❤ heart that your presence is always right here with me
I shall come to understand it true one day what it all means and how
I know you're in control and will work everything out perfectly.

  I place my feet upon your solid foundation on which I stand
And ground myself in faith and trust sheltered by the beauty of your 💘 love
I place all that I am into the wonder and strength of your great hands
For I know to keep my eyes focused solely on Heavens door above.

A beautiful rain shower of your anointing will begin to appear
All of the fear, stress and worry will soon begin to melt away
A 🌈 rainbow stretches out showing your great promise is very near
When we rest in your glory you'll bring us to a new and brighter day😊

Friday, April 3, 2020

A Loving, Humbled Heart
It is my prayer to live life to the fullest each day
With a grateful, and submissive heart full of true love
Always thankful for all the blessings that come my way
Knowing they are all special gifts from your heart above.

It is my prayer to be motivated and to believe
Having faith and knowing that my heart’s dreams will come true
Always being positive that soon I can achieve
Every desire and wish I aspire to.

It is my prayer to touch others with kindness genuine
And to make a difference and be an inspiration
To always be a devoted and helpful true friend
Living each day with persistence and expectation.

Help me to have a dedicated Champion’s heart
Knowing what it all stands for and what it truly means
Everything worth having comes from you right from the start
It is my prayer for a loving, humbled heart, Lord, please.  *** By Me

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...