Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The bright light of Faith brilliantly illuminates from the very porthole of the heart and clearly begins to define the very essence of a pathway.  The strength of hope that thrives powerfully in the spirit pushes away any boundaries or limitations and through the interpretation of the pure love that is the guide and compass of the heart motivates a miraculous, new creation to begin,  Wishes slowly begin to blossom and develop into a sparkling star of beginning called a dream.  The power of love continues to influence and that dream becomes a vision, an interpretation of what a yearning heart can accomplish.  Soon that vision grows through the seeds of happiness and belief and develops the pathway more with courage, and endurance to define a well laid line of destination as points of purpose begin to form. The push of perseverance further drives the heart to reach for that line of destination with the marked power of positivity.  There are no challenges, uncertain consideration or limitations.  This is the map of a Champion, the creed of a winner.  Never let the light of the dream die.  Never give up.  But, let true love continue to be a lighthouse that makes the approach to that finish line sweeter and brighter.
For the love of a heart is a treasured heart

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