Sunday, May 31, 2020

Old Times

  Grace fondly remembered how she took a step back, closed her eyes tightly and blew.  She was glad when all the candles went out. But when they came back on again she laughed with all her might.

  She reached over and hugged her husband of sixty years Mario.  It was a beautiful event that the church had planned for them.

  It was a celebration of a love that has withstood the moments of time.  But now she was sitting in a very different atmosphere.

  The love of her life was lying lifeless in the bed before her.  Grace began to weep uncontrollably.  She took her husband's hand again.  But there was no response.

  Just then she could feel a hand upon her shoulder.  It was the Pastor from their church.  "Grace the ladies are here to take you to prayer meeting and Bible study."  He said.

  "No" she said.  "I can't leave him!"  "Grace We will be here, myself and the deacons.  You need to get some air." He answered.

  The ladies took Grace to church.  They had a special guest, an evangelist.  The spirit of God filled the sanctuary.

  They took Grace to the front to be prayed for.  Grace took the evangelist hands and prayed for Mario.  She knew that God could touch him in that room tonight and bring him back to her.

  She believed with all of her heart.  She knew that God's love and the power of the love of the heart were stronger than anything.

  Suddenly tears began to stream down her face.  One of the ladies came running to her having just got the call.  Mario was conscious and calling for her.

  Grace wept uncontrollably.  She sat down and rededicated her heart to the Lord.  She hurried home upon hearing the good news.

  The doctor had just come out after examining him.  "I can't explain it!" He said.  "I can!"  She said as she looked up to the heavens and said thank you.



Saturday, May 30, 2020

Thoughts and Inspiration


The world tries to burden me with a heaviness I can't explain,
A really difficult weight to carry anywhere and be strong
I try to keep my head held high but can feel the doubt and great pain
Suddenly I can feel myself stumble and awkwardly start to fall.

Just then two hands reach down and take a tight hold of me
They pick me up, dust me off and help me to stand on my feet again
I look into the light of your beautiful face so lovingly
And state you are my Heavenly Father and my sweet best friend.

I never have to worry or be afraid any more
For your magnificent presence is always taking good care of me
I just need to come with a humbled heart knocking at your hearts door
And you will always be there with a smile and love just for me.


Friday, May 29, 2020

Thoughts And Inspirations

  Many of us can agree about one thing.  It is hard to really determine what has happened in the world around us.  One moment the economy seemed to be going so well.

  There were plenty of jobs.  Everyone seemed contented.    Yet in no time at all things changed dramatically.  Now you can't even turn on the news without it getting you down.  Although they never seem to have too many inspirational pieces on the news.

  Depression is trying to grab hold of people's hearts.  So what does one do?  Well. first we have to remember one very important thing.

  We can't control the future or look into the future.  So if we know the one who holds tomorrow why fear?

  Well that's easier said than done.  Right?  But that's where faith comes into play.  We place ourselves in His care and trust completely in Him.

  Wait a minute!  That would mean stepping back and letting someone else take control.  That's not always easy.  But in the end it's worth it.  Especially when we don't understand in our own right.


Lord you are the Master of my life.  I pledge who I am and everything I am to you.  My faith is in you.  Work mightily in my life today.  Amen.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thoughts To Ponder

You are the beautiful Son that makes each day worth living,
The precious breath of hope that helps me take one more step
No matter what weather every new day may try to bring
You are the guiding force of joy that determines what's next.

You are the source that brings grace and love to the very soul,
The wind that brings in a sense of perfect tranquility
A basket of happiness that makes me complete and whole
Lord you are the only answer to each new day for me.

So I take every moment and give it into your hands,
When there isn't a clear solution I can truly see
I watch as you smile and begin to work on your plan
You will take care of it all with ease and success for me.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How Can I Thank You?

Precious Jesus...

How can I say thank you enough for your great patience with me?
You are always there by my side with grace and love when I call
The beauty of your heart keeps me protected so perfectly
Lord I take your hand and look towards your great power through it all.

How can I say thank you enough for your mercy every day,
You care about me with adoration like no one else can
I am forgiven through the breath of your hope in every way
There is a dream to reach out for by your perfect mighty plan.

How can I say thank you enough to be your child so dear?
You call me your wonderful masterpiece and your very own
When you are with me Lord there is never any doubt or fear
Thank you with a grateful heart I can call Heaven my great home!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Letter To God

My precious, dearest Lord,

Just one thought of your magnificent presence each day,
Brings something special to my heart I can't explain
There's a beautiful peace that fills me in every way
And a light that starts to heal every ounce of real pain.

There's forgiveness that comes in like a workman's tool
And begins to work to make things like something brand new
As my heart beholds the Potters Hands unfold and rule
I can see more of your perfect love in all I do.

The Wonder of grace fills my spirit with happiness
As I look with a clarity I've not had before
You are always there by me and helping me feel blessed
There's a special sense of Thanksgiving at my hearts core.

I write today with one very special thing in mind
Lord how I desire to know so much more of you
I want to let my brokenness unfurl and unwind
And be a new person restored by you in all I do.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

True Love

  Kristy sat quietly in the cold, quiet hospital room with her head down.  She brushed away the steady
flow of tears that cascaded from her eyes.  She regretfully listened to the endless beeping of the team of machines that were keeping her friend alive.

  Just then, the door slowly opened.  The nurse came in pulling a cart.  "You should go home and get some rest."  She said to Kristy.

  "I am fine." Kristy answered. "Either way you will have to step out now while we care for her." The nurse responded.

  Kristy slowly walked just a few doors down to the waiting room.  As she sat down, a few ladies from her church came in and sat with her.  They asked if they could pray with her.

  Kristy took each ladies hand and bowed her head.  When it was over she thanked them and tried to smile. 

  Suddenly, there was loud commotion in the hall.  Some sort of code was being announced.  Kristy ran back to Lauren's room.  They wouldn't let her in.

  Moments later, everyone came out.  Lauren was gone.  Kristy fell to the floor and wept uncontrollably.  The ladies tried to help her.  They took her home to make sure she was safe.

  Kristy went in and sat in the corner in the dark.  She couldn't sleep or eat.  She felt nothing.  All she could do is cry.

  She couldn't bring herself to go to work or her church.  This continued for days.  Her answering machine was full of unanswered calls.

  Finally, after a week the same two ladies returned to her house.  They knew she wouldn't answer the phone or door.  So they pounded on the window until she let them in.

  They began opening the blinds and cleaning up.  They placed the food they brought on the table.  Kristy still refused to eat.

  "Let us pray."  They suggested.  "No, where was God in all this?  Why did he let her die?"  Kristy said

  "How dare you question God!"  One of the ladies said.  "He is a God of perfect wisdom.  He did what was right for Lauren.  Did you want her to suffer?"

  "No I wanted her to be healed."  Kristy answered.  "She is healed!  She is in the glorious presence of Jesus!  You will see her again if you don't turn from God."  The other lady said.

  Kristy thought about it.  She began to weep uncontrollably and loudly.  The ladies took her hands and they prayed.

  She asked God for forgiveness and rededicated her life to Him.  Kristy began to feel a little better and thanked the ladies.

  The funeral and the next few weeks were hard.  But the ladies were with her every step of the way praying for her and standing by her.

  Kristy returned to church.  She even got a brand new dynamic job helping others deal with grief.  She was grateful that God never left her even though she didn't see it.

  She was thankful for His grace and perfect, true love that is always there!


Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Pathway Of Promise

  Melissa looked at her own reflection and expressed disappointment and disgust.  It was nearing final exams.  She knew that her grades weren't where they needed to be.

  How could she disappoint her mom?  When her Dad died, her mother took on two more part time jobs.  She wanted to make sure that she and her brother got what they needed. 

Just then, her best friend Gina walked into their room.    She was carrying the grade vouchers.  They listed the grades just before finals.

  "Look at these babies!"  Gina said, waving her paper. 
"It's a straight 4.0 average!"
Melissa began to get very angry.  She started a fight with her. 

Gina quickly packed her things and moved out.  She made arrangements to find another room.  She didn't understand what had happened.  She and Melissa had been friends a long time.

  Melissa felt even more down.  If no one was there to share the room she'd lose that too.  She knew she couldn't afford it.

  She walked over to the chapel.  It was a quiet place to sit and think.  She put her hands to her face and began to cry.  Just then she could feel an arm on her shoulder.

  Are you okay?  A gentle voice said.  Melissa looked up and saw a sweet elderly lady sitting near her.  "Yes, mame" Melissa answered as she wiped away tears.

  "Please don't fib to me" She said.  "Now please tell me what is wrong"  Melissa didn't like the idea of talking to strangers.  But she had to talk to someone.

  The elderly woman listened attentively and smiled.  "Do you know the Lord?" She asked.  Melissa shook her head.  "Would you like to?"  Melissa agreed, and took her hands.

  "You don't ever have to feel alone or be afraid.  He is always with you."  She said.  She told Melissa that she could get perfect scores on her tests.  But she have to believe in the Lord and herself.

  Melissa reached over to thank her.  But she had vanished.  All that was there was a small bible entitled "bible for new believers".

Melissa walked 🏡 Home and began 📚 reading.  She gave everything to God and asked for His help.  She devised a study plan and began working on it.

  By the time finals were over she had gotten all As.  It was enough to bring her overall score to an A-.

  She had asked about the elderly woman all around campus.  No one knew who she was.

  Melissa went to Gina and apologized.  The two agreed to move in together again.  Melissa was relieved that she could make her mother proud.

But she was also thankful for a precious angel that came from God's heart just when she needed it most.


Friday, May 15, 2020

***** E-MAIL TO GOD *****





Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thoughts and Tidbits

A day without Jesus is like a day getting caught in a snow and ice storm without shoes and a coat.

It is something you never want to think about.  He is your provision, and your delight.

Join hands and hearts with him today😊

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

My Friend.........

I have a very special gift for you
It is wrapped in the light of my heart's love
A unique gift for you to hold tightly to
and is a blessing from Heaven above.

It has no cost, yet is truly priceless
Creative and colorful with great flair
I'm giving you only my very best
I want you to know how much that I care.

It contains so many wonderful things
To make your life bright and better each day
Filled with wishes for the best that life brings
and a peaceful walk upon life's pathway.

So open your heart with hope and much more
Receive my warm smile so big and bright
and the gentle kindness from friendship's door
given to you so perfectly with delight.

Watch how the gift continuously grows
and you will soon return it back to me
Spreading it to other hearts that you know
and it all began with a tiny seed.

Give someone a kind smile today.


Sunday, May 10, 2020

Reflective Love

I view the beautiful reflection upon life's rugged sea,
And something so wonderful fills my heart to its very core
My spirit reaches out to know more about what it all means
I begin to inquire and search all I can and explore.

Suddenly, a warmth touches my heart as I step with surprise
I didn't know what to make of it all so plainly and true
Tears begin to build up and seem to cascade down each eye
Something was controlling everything in all that I do.

I had to find this source with a dream that's humbling
And the greatest definition of who I am meant to be
A man appeared with blessings from His heart only He can bring
And showed me love's patience and grace with smile so perfectly.

He said 'Dont worry I am your Lord, always here with delight
'I will speak to you and reveal myself in everything.'
'I want to take care of you and love you with all of my might.
'You will see my love reflecting in whatever life may bring.'

The Person I See

If I had to take a moment and look inside my soul,
And try to define this person somehow so perfectly
What kind of answer would there be that is complete and whole
The ideal answer that totally describes the real me.

Am I defined by the job that I do or my family
Or is it everything that I hold within hands?
The friends that I have or what I hope my great dreams will be
Is it the provisions that fuel all my greatest plans.

But with all that is happening in the world today,
It is important to remember what matters so true
What is done for Christ ever more in so many great ways
Should be the thing that is the most important to you.

You are His precious child and the bright jewel of His eyes,
That's what really matters above all evermore
Your definition is found in His heart to no surprise
His spirit will be your lifeline and joy all in store.

So, when someone asks you who you are look up joyfully
And remember the bond you share with your Father above
You're His child and a light of His heart for all to see
United with Him on a mission guided by His love.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

A Prayer From The Heart *** By  Me  *****
You are the beautiful smile that brightens my face each day
The song of life that enlightens and energizes my soul
The guiding star that shows my spirit the one and only way
Your great presence is the light of my heart so complete and whole.

You're my living water that quenches my thirst so completely
The eternal flame that ignites my passion for all things good
You're the dream maker with a beautiful vision just for me
The Bread of Life that fulfills me as only a Father would.

You're the happiness that enlightens all that I am so true
The overflowing big source for all things wonderful and great
Nothing would be possible or meaningful, Lord, without you
Every moment upon your presence I will always await.

I dedicate my heart, my life and all that I am to you
For you are the beautiful lighthouse that I seek every day
Father help me to be a testimony in all I do
and to bring such enjoyment to your heart in every way.

Thank you for your goodness Father.   Amen.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Something To Ponder

When you take another step and get nowhere,
You feel like there's no promise and no one cares
You want to give up because there is no way
There just doesn't seem to be a better day.

Suddenly a warm hand reaches out to you
"I'll be there no matter what you may do"
"I'll lift you up and help you so perfectly"
"Just place your hope and faith always in me."

Place your hand in Jesus hand.  You'll have a better outlook on everything.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

An Awesome ❤ Heart

Sometimes the day seems so empty and lonely,
My ❤ heart fills with pain and the greatest despair
I feel without purpose that I can see
It just seems like no one really wants to care.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder
A new warmth seems to fill my heart at its core
I reach out as things try to grow much colder
And my spirit rises like never before.

I look up into His eyes just before me
A beautiful smile enlightened His face
He began to stretch His hands out perfectly
And wrapped me tight in His breathtaking embrace.

"My child, always remember I 💘 love you."
"Never feel so empty or lonely again."
"I will give you peace and help in all you do."
"I am your Heavenly Father and best friend."

Now I can see something great in His sweet hands,
I shouldn't worry but keep my eyes on Him
He will have good things in store in His great plans
If I trust in Him and follow Him I'll win!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...