Sunday, March 28, 2021

A Sacrifice Of Perfect Love

My God...

A beautiful light illuminates something precious in the heart's core...
A breathtaking seed of hope is planted and nourished for all to see
The spirit wonders about this great blessing and has to know so much more
About this rare gift of wonder that was given so generously.

The brightest love takes hold and realizes a need that's there so true...
Concerned about the many who need abundant and wondrous real grace
The purest miracle of a Heavenly Father's heart comes shining through
As mercy and compassion abundantly fill His caring face.

He allowed His beloved Son to be crucified for others that day...
So sins would be pardoned and forgiven and heart's soon set free
He gave what mattered to Him most so that others would have a way
The most valuable and perfect gift was given that day at Calvary.

My God, how can I say thank you for everything with my heart of love.
I'm so grateful and honored for this my whole journeys pathway through
I send exhaultation from my heart to your throne room above
Lord, thank you for the perfect gift that I will cherish in all I do.

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