Saturday, March 6, 2021

My Best Friend😊

My Jesus...

You are the strength that is always by me at any point of the day...
My powerful foundation of promise on which I can always stand
The breathtaking light of hope that is brightening and showing the way
My guiding force of greatness who always has the absolute, true plan.

You are my confident to whom I can tell all of my real dreams to..
My greatest, comforting source who brings me inspiration when I'm down
My teammate who shares my joy in the happy times my whole life through
My source where my uplifting spirit and encouragement is found.

My Jesus, thank you for being my best friend in so many great ways...
You are my whole life, my great love, and everything Lord to me
I will faithfully walk with you, live for you and serve you all of my days
You are the greatest Saviour and best friend for all of eternity.

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