Sunday, March 14, 2021

Just One Second

My Awesome Jesus...

Let the light of your love be a breathtaking lifeline that shines with brilliance from my heart, so true...
That others may see its divine glory in all of its genuineness with great care
And know without doubt that what they see in me is coming directly from you
That you're a devoted Father and best friend who is always going to be there.

May they be welcomed by the powerful love that our strong bond seems to bring...
And greatly inspired by the kindness and consideration that we bestow
Let them be encouraged by the peace and grace that seem to be fulfilling
May they take such a positive sense of our joy and hope wherever they may go.

May all feel so welcomed to seek your face, and discover and know more of you...
Prepare us to be a continual blessing by your power and great might
So that more searching souls will seek your face and follow your ways their whole pathway through
And may our sweet praise and divine efforts always be so pleasing in your sight.

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