Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Morning Song

My Precious Jesus...

When I look upon the ๐ŸŒž Sunrise of another beautiful day...
My ❤ heart fills with wonder, happiness and a genuine delight
For I realize the blessing I've been given in a powerful way
And it is giving me a meaningful and life changing insight.

You have given me a precious gift that I am so thankful for...
There is so much more that you bestow from your ❤ heart with endless love
And I lay all that I am with adoration at Heavens door
For my spirit knows that my source can only come from you above.

Sometimes I can let my human nature come in and take control...
But that is when your power and anointing come shining at best
Surrounding me with your love and making me feel complete and whole
Showing me you are my perfect peace and wondrous happiness.

My Jesus, how can I ever offer my thanks to you...
I am so grateful and give all praise to you in everything
I will live for you, and serve you my Saviour my whole journey through
And to every moment, a breathtaking, humbled ❤ heart I'll bring!

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