Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Standing Strong

My Jesus, you are the breath of life that fills my lungs every day
You are the beat of hope that keeps my ❤ heart so vibrant and at its best
You are the force of light that keeps my feet so 🚢steady on the pathway
And promise that inspires my spirit and fills it with happiness.

My Jesus, you're the song that reminds my soul to keep focused on you...
You are the peace that calms me with gentleness and amazing power
You are the uplifter that picks me up in everything I do
And my solution to every dilemma in the final hour.

My Jesus, your πŸ’˜ love and grace are always there in abundance for me...
The 🎁 gift of salvation has given me confidence I can make it through
I am honored to be your child and live for you joyfully
By your mercy, I can stand strong on your foundation of Faith so true!

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Only Key

My Jesus...

Sometimes, my ❤ heart feels alone, wandering aimlessly searching for answers I cannot see...
Looking for the breathtaking beauty of joy to bring restoration and perfect πŸ’˜ love
But no matter how much I try in my own right, nothing truly ever comes to me
Starting from the beginning moment you see all my distress and greatest pain from above.

You reach out and touch me with the purity and gentleness of your mercy and care...
Telling me there is only one answer to all of my questions that will ever be
There is an ideal solution to every burden and restoration will be there

All I have to do with a humbled heart, faith and trust is apply the perfect key...
I need to come before your throne with faith and all of my cares in pure devoted πŸ™prayer
For in the light of your presence and πŸ’˜ love is the greatest, most perfect place that I can be
You will give me the greatest peace and all that I am looking for every time I am there.

For the perfect πŸ”‘ key not only fulfills me but brings me so much closer Lord to you...
The perfect bond that will give me strength and endurance to do all the things I can
Being your light of promise and an instrument for your kingdom in all I do
Listening for your voice and the answers to fulfill your mighty, heavenly plan!

Monday, March 28, 2022

The Right Focus

My Jesus...

When I look around me, I'm filled with anxiety and burden weighs upon my ❤ heart so true...
My spirit searches so confused and angry by all of the things that are going on in darkness
You shed tears at my pain and reach out with a lesson that will help me and see me through
By your grace and mercy, you give me πŸ”§ tools that will give me sweet grace and the purest happiness.

You show me that I should always look upon you and not look around my 🌎 world in any way...
Placing my greatest trust and confidence in your power and knowing you are in control
I am safe within your glory and you take care of those you πŸ’˜ love without doubt every day
I don't have to worry or be afraid because being in your love's light is hope as a whole.

Thank you for showing me the lesson that I needed if I truly want to be a success...
My sight comes from you who lives in the center of my heart and gives me guidance every day
I need only keep my eyes focused upon you and your power if I want to do my very best
I give all glory, honor and praise forever to you who is the greatest truth, the light and the way!

Sunday, March 27, 2022

In Preparation

My Jesus...

When I start upon my pathway, I pray for the covering of your πŸ’˜ love...
I seek the protection of your pure blood through each and every step
I ask for your powerful, rugged strength that can only come from above
I desire your great wisdom, assurance and sweet happiness.

Through each and every 🚢 step that I take I ask that you are beside me...
And that the light of your power is guiding me with promise through it all
I want the beauty of your ❤ heart to be the lighthouse that I always see
And to clearly hear your desire,will and voice whenever I call.

I want to travel an adventurous journey that's only found in you...
And to make a difference for your kingdom with your truth for all to hear
I am asking for all of the tools I'll need and peace to see me through
I'm ready to take the first step Jesus, let your spirit now draw near!

I Want To Be Your Instrument

Lord Jesus.....

Look into my humbled heart and see the desire so true...
See great promise and possibility as only you can see
I want to live my life in perfect dedication to you
My Jesus take me into your hands as I come on bended knee.

I know that I've made mistakes and done wrong in so many ways.....
My ❤ heart is strongly burdened with sadness because of this plight
But you have forgiven me by grace and given me new days
I am a brand new masterpiece in the making in your sight.

So now I pledge to live for you and be your great light for all...
Jesus instill all that you are so perfectly in me
I want to complete your will and be there whenever you call
See your great instrument prepared for the mission within me!

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Rugged Faith

Lord Jesus.....

Sometimes in my humanity I cannot see my path or goal...
My concerns and things around me make it seem like I will fail
That's when burdens bring worry and great stress that seems to take its toll
My ❤ heart feels like giving up because I know I won't prevail.

But then your hand of compassion reaches for me and begins something new...
It's a beautiful light of πŸ’˜love that I haven't kept in my ❤ heart
You teach me how to stand tall in your presence in all I do
And how to place everything in your hands with strong faith to impart. 

You fill me with peace and give me a powerful cleansing with your πŸ’˜ love...
I now am beginning to learn my lesson with strength a lot more
Whenever I lose hope or skies turn grey I turn my sights above
And receive another lesson in rugged faith from Heavens door.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

True 🚢 Steps

     Tia couldn't take another moment at her job.  She had worked so hard and been so faithful for many years.  Yet, it was in no way a tolerable environment any more.

     They tried to make it seem as if their long time people made a difference.  But instead they were treated poorly.  

     She was becoming more discouraged about it.  The new people were telling lies about her just to make her look bad.

  What hurt the most was when one of her supervisors believed them and not her.  Tia was becoming sick and very bitter.

     She was angry more at work instead of her usual kindness.  One day she decided to take time to talk to her Pastor about the problem.

     Tias pastor looked at her and πŸ˜ƒ smiled.  He reminded her of some important points.  These people were not in charge.  Jesus gave her the job.  

     He was in charge.  He would take care of it if she gave it all to him.  So he took Tias hands and prayed.

     He told her to look up to the Lord.  He would give her strength protect her and help her to respond with πŸ’˜ love.

     She knew it would not be easy or pleasant.  We always want to act in our human way and not Jesus way.  But she knew Jesus would help her.  She went back and tried it.

     Things seemed the same.  But then one month later she got a better job in the new area they were building.  She felt better in every way.

     It's not always easy following the Lords will.  But when you do you will find he will unlock the door to better things and always has the true πŸ‘£ footsteps.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

The Calling

"Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ."  Gal 6:2 Kjv

     Have you ever quietly wondered in your ❤ heart who you really are?  Why do you exist?  Is there really a need for you to be a prevalent part of every day?

     The answer is an absolute yes!  Sometimes it is hard to see the breathtaking horizon in the rain.  Yet remember that you were created by the Master Craftsman who is perfect in every way.

     You are His divine, unique imprint.  You are a blessed light of πŸ’˜ love from the garden of His heart.  You were created and endowed to bring glory to Him and to His Kingdom.

  If you stay close to Him through πŸ™ prayer and the reading of His word, you will get to unveil more of His insight.  You can then enlighten the world with that πŸ’˜ love.  

     Little things mean so much.  Perhaps you see someone at the grocery store who is short on their grocery bill.  You could possibly help them out.

     Maybe you know of a neighbor who needs a ride somewhere.  Even just a simple cheery greeting can make all the difference.

     So get on your knees and seek God's face today.  You are His special beloved child.  You have a divine purpose.  

     It doesn't matter how old you are or your stance in life.  Let God ignite you with His power and πŸ’˜ love!  Be a Kingdom builder.  Go ignite the 🌎 world for Jesus!

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Don't Ever Quit

My Beloved Jesus...

Sometimes I feel that there's no more that I can bear...
In my ❤ heart I feel down and ready to give up
But then you want me to realize that you are there
And keeping my eyes focused on you is a must.

You see fear and worry damaging all it can...
And begin a mighty healing work within me
Showing me your sweet peace, love and your holy plan
That my own heart will see happiness and be set free.

So I shouldn't give up but walk hand in hand with you...
You are the solution that I seek around every bend
My Saviour I lay it before your throne so true
I never give up because you are my best friend!

Sunday, March 13, 2022

This Is A Special Day

My Jesus...

This is a special day Lord because I am holding your hand...
You've given me blessings of
another 🌞 Sunrise to adore
I look to your spirit filled guidance for wisdom and a plan
I know that 🚢 walking with you I have so much promise in store.
This is a special day Lord because your love is always there...
You are working on my behalf as only my Jesus should
Paving the way and taking care of it all because you care
Weaving a good unique story as only my Saviour would.

This is a special day Lord because I am your child beloved...
You will always be my foundation that I've been searching for
The sum of my strength and endurance and all I can think of
I am honored and grateful to be your heart and so much more.

The Sky Light

Heavenly Father...

When I'm looking for some light upon a darkened road so true...
And I reach out with a wandering heart for what more I can see
My eyes see a hand of mercy coming in with hope that's new
Excited to bring miracles and great blessings just fo me.

I see the light of real love carving a path of happiness...
And becoming my direction every step of the way
Showing me all that's new and wanting only the very best
Guiding my πŸ‘£ footsteps beside me to a new and brighter day.

So when I feel scared and alone I humble my ❤ heart once more...
And the power of grace begins to work mightily on me
Showing me I need to look up and wait on Heavens door
All that I truly need with all glory I shall surely see.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Just One Whisper

My Jesus.....

When I see a new horizon, and need my very best...
And to my ❤ heart and spirit I want to always be true
I reach out for peace, joy and real happiness
The kind of perfection and blessing that will come from you.

When the clouds get stronger and the 🌞 Sunrise glow disappears.....
My spirit is being burdened with great worry and doubt
The cry of my hurting heart your pure πŸ’˜ love will clearly hear
And at that moment show me what your power is about

You show me that you are the Lord of my life forevermore.....
You will always be right there to faithfully see me through
Together, I know we'll walk through every open door
I just need to look up and always keep my eyes on you.

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...