Sunday, March 13, 2022

This Is A Special Day

My Jesus...

This is a special day Lord because I am holding your hand...
You've given me blessings of
another 🌞 Sunrise to adore
I look to your spirit filled guidance for wisdom and a plan
I know that 🚶 walking with you I have so much promise in store.
This is a special day Lord because your love is always there...
You are working on my behalf as only my Jesus should
Paving the way and taking care of it all because you care
Weaving a good unique story as only my Saviour would.

This is a special day Lord because I am your child beloved...
You will always be my foundation that I've been searching for
The sum of my strength and endurance and all I can think of
I am honored and grateful to be your heart and so much more.

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