Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Standing Strong

My Jesus, you are the breath of life that fills my lungs every day
You are the beat of hope that keeps my ❤ heart so vibrant and at its best
You are the force of light that keeps my feet so 🚢steady on the pathway
And promise that inspires my spirit and fills it with happiness.

My Jesus, you're the song that reminds my soul to keep focused on you...
You are the peace that calms me with gentleness and amazing power
You are the uplifter that picks me up in everything I do
And my solution to every dilemma in the final hour.

My Jesus, your πŸ’˜ love and grace are always there in abundance for me...
The 🎁 gift of salvation has given me confidence I can make it through
I am honored to be your child and live for you joyfully
By your mercy, I can stand strong on your foundation of Faith so true!


  1. A wonderful content and prayers for everyone πŸ™πŸ» especially for those who needs strength.


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