Tuesday, March 28, 2023

I Am A Champion Because Of You

My Wonderful Jesus...

Great things begin on the day I pledge my ❤ heart and life to you...
I'm a brand new person because of your mercy, grace and love
Your precious blood covers me and forgives me my whole life through
I am given eternal life and a place with you above.

I don't ever have to worry or fear about things at all...
For you're taking care of me and have it all under control
All I have to do is simply reach out to you and just call
You will give me sweet peace, fill my ❤ heart with joy and make me whole.

I am a 🏆 Champion because I am Your child so true...
I pledge to look to and trust you in everything
You are my source, my strength, and my foundation in all I do
All glory, honor, and praise be yours my Saviour, and my King!


I want You to be Lord of my life.  Today, I am asking You to forgive me.  Come into my ❤ heart.  I am pledging my ❤ heart and life to you.  I want to live for you and be Your champion today!


Saturday, March 25, 2023

My Jesus, I Need You

During the first moments of the morning, I need the touch of your anointing to strengthen me.....
I need the beauty of your perfect love to lift me up and inspire me with your sweet grace
May your breathtaking heart begin to overflow with joy and happiness so abundantly
As I close my eyes and picture the beautiful heavens above and a glimpse of your sweet face.

I need the wonder of your real power to come into my spirit in every real way.....
The stability of your peace and tranquility to restore, refresh and so renew
Lord you are my everything and my foundation for each passing new day
I have the realization that all that I am or ever hope to be is found in you.

I am reaching out for you Jesus with a humbled heart that is searching for so much more...
I want to learn and continue to build myself so powerfully in you
On my knees, I am waiting with great anticipation to hear your voice at Heavens door
Lord you are my source of glory and my strong fortress in all I do

Friday, March 24, 2023

My Lord, I Want To Know You

My Precious Saviour...

The greatest desire of my heart is so very simple, but it's true...
Something that defines success and means everything and so much more to me
I desperately want to draw so much closer and seek more and more of you
Praising you is my definition of success for eternity.

I want to feel your love all around me and within me so pure and grand...
I want the oil of your anointing to move in me in a big way
Let every part of my life be guided and transformed by your mighty hands
May the light of your anointing be my lighthouse for every new and brighter day.

My Lord, I pledge my heart and life to you now with all I am and much more...
I want our bond to grow strong and rugged like an example for all time
I can't wait to see what the great depths of our relationship has in store
Your love is everything to me and the greatest, true blessing I will find!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

My Lord


You are the breathtaking horizon that brings a ray of happiness on each day..
The refreshing, calming wind that brings the sweetest, peace to my spirit as a whole
When I yearn for you You 
reach out for me in adoration in every way
You are the ignition of my life's fire which never gets tired and old

You are the falling rain that refreshes me and gives me a brand new happiness..
By your most holiest of sides there is no where else I would want to stand by
I know that you will always help me to succeed and strengthen me to do my heart's best
In my life your name and presence will forever be lifted up and magnified!

Saturday, March 18, 2023

A Prayer Of Promise

My Lord...

I take a step upon the foundation of your breathtaking love and grace...
Suddenly your anointing surrounds me like sweet fresh oil from above
I can feel an infiltration of your spirit and your mighty embrace
As I am covered with your adoring care and more blessing than I can dream of.

I can feel hope and restoration coming powerfully upon me...
As each part of me is worked diligently in your great hands
Under the beauty of your power and spirit is where I want to now be
Watching the unfolding of your mission and your powerful great life plan.

Thank you for loving me so abundantly and forgiving me much more...
I am learning to be a new person where at your feet Lord I'll abide
I can see your greatest mercy waiting for me at Heavens door
Lord I'll learn so many things as I draw close to you with honor and pride.

Friday, March 17, 2023


My Lord...

You are the rugged strength that carries me...
The breathtaking sunlight that guides my way
You are the Salvation that sets me free
Lord, you are my life water for each day.

You are wisdom that gives me hope so true...
The sweetest laughter that makes my heart feel grand
The breathtaking promise in all I do
Lord, You are guidance that gives me a plan.

Lord, you are my everything and much more.
I pledge my heart and life now unto you
I am pleased to see what you have in store
Lord, I want to live for you each day through!

Rugged Faith

My Jesus...

Sometimes it's hard to understand and sort through things perfectly...
I can't in my own human way do it quite well anymore
So I'm asking you to help me work on my faith anxiously
I know your hands of love and grace have many good things in store.

My faith has to be completely embedded in who you are...
There has to be a real trust that you will do all that you say
Lord, you are my everything and my great life mentor by far
But I want to learn things and have your foundation strong today.

Let your love write a new chapter upon my heart that we'll share...
Help me to rest in your presence and lean on You each day through
Your spirit will surround me and show me just how much you care
My Saviour, I am studying as I walk each day with you.

I've learned I'm not alone and never have to bear anything...
You are always in charge and have all things under your control
Lord, I'm on your foundation with all that my new faith will bring
I know that it is quite rugged and will bless me as a whole.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Lord, I Want To Hear Your Voice

My Precious Jesus...

You are the beautiful 🌟 star of promise that shines so brilliantly...
My breathtaking ray of true inspiration and perfect delight
There is so much more of your power that I am longing to see
My heart reaches out with such yearning, anticipation and might.

But, I am not as close to you
as I would truly like to be....
I don't even know any of the things that you might want to say
My spirit wants to hear your sweet voice forever so perfectly
You are the perfect joy that brings happiness to every day.

So you take me by the hand and lead me to your side to learn so true...
After that it is the matter of a personal choice that is real
I must focus on you and live for you in all that I do
I want to hear your voice and your anointing I long to now feel.

So your perfect love begins to infiltrate every part of me...
I can feel your wondrous presence in every aspect more and more
I can clearly hear your voice when I look and your glory I see
Lord, I'm waiting for my miracle as I knock on Heavens door.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Simple Gratitude

My Jesus...

When I look at all of the things that you have given to me...
The incredible touch of your love both large and small
Sometimes I may seem ungrateful and so ignorantly
Don't seem to see the movement of your great power at all.

Simple every day things I take for granted it is true...
Through them I don't seem to find any joy and perfect happiness
But you reveal to my heart a reflection that is new
Learning to be truly happy with what you have is best.

Being grateful for little then more can come your way...
A plant begins as a tiny seed in more fertile ground
Bringing praise to the Lord for what he does everyday
Standing firm by his side
 with adoration I'll abound

Sunday, March 5, 2023

My Help Comes From You

Dear Lord, you see me struggling, sometimes I feel so low...
I can't really see anything to give me such delight
But then you embrace me with your hands your peace to bestow
You begin to cover me in your love with a strong might.

You show me your working hard and with such great happiness...
And show me all the good things you're planning for my heart
You tell me good things because you want me to have the best
It will be a great journey where faith plays a major part.

So now I place my hand in yours and you give me sweet rest...
I know without a doubt there's no place I'd rather be
I lay my burdens with you and know that I'm so blessed
I am your child and know that you will help me!

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

My Fortress

My Jesus...

When no one wants to bother with me and ignore me in every way...
And I have no one to talk to or lean upon with greatest love
My poor heart begins to shatter and feels so hopeless more than words can say
I yearn for a touch of your peace and understanding from Heaven above.

You reach out your love and wrap it so gently around me with perfect care...
The great beauty of your heart touches my heart to let me know it's ok
There's a rugged anointing that's working and no matter what always there
Whenever I need You without a doubt you're there without delay.

So now I'm learning slowly about your wonderful heart so amazing...
And how I don't need to feel so separated Jesus anymore
My spirit wants to praise you and my humbled heart wants to sing
Please help me to plant seeds of your hope on Heavens shore

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...