Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Reflective Praise

My Jesus...

You are the light that beautifully brightens my heart every day...
The wondrous joy that gives me reason, purpose, and much more
The breathtaking power that takes me every step of the way 
You are everything I desire and am yearning for. 

You are the ideal, sweet peace that calms my heart so perfectly...
The assurance all will work out because you are in control 
The 🔥 fire of eternal life that burns so bright within me
You are the bread of life that fills my spirit and makes me whole. 

You're the center of my heart and everything I long to be...
My Savior who takes care of me and my lifelong, true best friend 
Help me to be like you and sing your praises so happily
I want to exhault you my Jesus until the very end. 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

You Are The Light Of My Heart

My Jesus...

My heart desires the breathtaking beauty of your sweet presence each day...
To fill every moment and start within me something great and brand new
I want to feel your magnificent movement in a very special way 
And be your faithful, devoted vessel in everything I do. 

I want to learn all of the wonderful things about you and much more...
To lay everything before you with an open heart without delay
Waiting with anticipation, faith and trust for all you have in store 
And listening with attentiveness for the words you have to say. 

I take the mighty refreshment of your love as it fills my heart so true...
And the movement of your grace as it restores and rebuilds me to my core
I send all praise, honor and glorification sweet Father unto you 
For you are the love of my life and all that I am truly living for!

Saturday, November 25, 2023

🚶 Walking In Your Steps

My Jesus.....

How do I show others how much you mean to me in many ways...
To let them see the  precious bond and great devotion that we share 
Let it be great gestures from you that occupy all of my days 
And  always show your kindness, compassion, and how much you do care. 

I can always wear a smile ☺ so that others see my happiness...
And offer moving words that inspire and uplift as you do 
I can offer a helping hand and always give my very best 
My heart can do kind things for others that are sincere and so true. 

I can live life to the fullest and make each second count and more...
I can reach for my big dreams knowing who is always in control 
And when others see my delight they'll want to know what's at my core
My heart can sing out the praises of my best friend who makes me whole. 

I can be a lighthouse displaying the light of your mighty love...
Fill me, your vessel,  to overflowing with your presence so grand
Send my heart your powerful anointing Lord from Heaven above 
In every aspect let me be an extension of your great hands!

Friday, November 24, 2023

A Grateful Spirit- A Prayer Of Devotion

My Jesus...

How can I express how grateful I am for all that comes from you?
There's a flow of anointing that enriches every part of me
It gives me a sense of inspiration that is wondrous and true 
And shows me special insight into all you want me to be. 

How can I express how grateful I am for who you are in me?
You are the breath that helps me and sustains me each bright new day 
The beautiful light and guidance for each place that I need to be
My wisdom and understanding that's there to show me the way. 

How can I express how grateful I am for your patience so grand...
You are my Savior,  my best friend,  and all that I'll need and more 
I give you honor for your presence on which I will always stand 
I love you my precious Savior so much more than ever before!

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Mysterious Guest

The Thanksgiving table is being set for the grand feast to take place.....
There's fine china and glass ware and centerpieces placed with care
Creative linen name cards beautifully line with the finest pure lace 
But, as I walked and noticed there was something very odd that was there.

A great place was set at the head of the table that I did not know...
The place card said 'our guest of honor ' and nothing more that I could see
As I looked at it closely, for some reason it had a peaceful glow 
Right then, this beautiful feeling of love began to overwhelm me.

I asked about it all and my heart opened with such true happiness...
Hearing that this special place is set for Jesus presence every year
Suddenly,  I fell to my knees and realized in many ways I am blessed 
And began to give thanks and gratitude for all things I hold dear.

Everyone took their seats and the food was placed as all joined hands in prayer...
A breathtaking lesson of hope and promise for each year had begun 
The mystery guest is the real reason for celebration everywhere 
To be thankful for his mercy and all the real things he has done. 

God bless you all!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

The Thanksgiving 🙏 Prayer

My Jesus.....

Please help me to remember what's important every day...
And to realize that life is a precious gift from above 
Keep my heart true and fill it with gratitude in every way 
Teach me how to always lean on your abundant,  perfect love. 

As your beauty flows from your heart, teach me how to give praise with care...
To realize every moment is a gift crafted for me
Understanding that no matter what you will always be there 
Crafting a beautiful adventure as you can perfectly. 

So on Thanksgiving,  I kneel before you with adoration...
Pledging with all that I am to make a brand new journey start
I lift up your name with praise and love and all celebration
Thank you for being my life love and the center of my heart!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Perfect Love

My Jesus.....

There's a perfect peace that cannot be broken ready to fill with delight...
A wondrous joy that's always abundant to chase the big clouds away 
I can see the precious glow of hope and promise circling me with Heavenly might 
Suddenly,  there's so much brightness that I can see shining every day. 

There's a sweet care and mercy that reaches for me to help and so much more...
A forgiveness that makes me a new person and everything brand new
A compassion and consideration that flows now from Heaven's great door 
The guiding hand that follows my footsteps with direction my journey through. 

There's a perfect love that flows from your heart like a fountain of brand new things...
It's surrounded by a breathtaking grace that's a sweet gift from you to me
I want to be your instrument and hear your anointing song my heart sings
Help me to be your ministry tool to reach others with the love I see!

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Positive Seeds

My Jesus.....

I can hear your voice sweetly whispering wise lessons of love to me...
Something that I need to take mind of and work on every new day 
The words and thoughts I focus on matter so true and perfectly 
I need to be sure and carefully shape them and form them in the right way. 

Negative seeds can only breed the growth of many clouds everywhere...
There is no happiness or pure joy anywhere that can be found 
But, positive seeds bring beauty and many good things birthed with tender care
And the great brilliance of your anointing is everywhere to be found. 

Jesus, you are my source of everything and my perfect anointing...
I know that you'll teach me to be positive with joy every day through 
I want all the best that you have and the wonder each moment brings 
I trust my thoughts,  desires, and wishes to be shaped Lord by you!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Mercy's Call


When my heart feels like no one cares in any possible way..
Feelings of great failure seem to prevail and strongly abound 
I'm at the point of giving up and have nothing else to say 
I want to disappear where nothing hopeful is ever found. 

At that point, something wonderful begins knocking at my heart's door...
Singing a mighty song of redemption and promise so free
I become very intrigued and have to know a great deal more 
That's when I begin to hear the breathtaking sounds of mercy. 

Telling me how much my Savior loves me forevermore...
How he forgives me and gives me a new beginning and day 
He is sending his pure love and grace from Heaven's mighty shore
And renewing my heart and spirit in a refreshing way.

Now, I won't give up but look wholeheartedly Lord to you...
For mercy will always be there in abundance perfectly 
I'll simply place myself into your hands in all that I must do
And call out for your breathtaking anointing and great mercy!

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Fine Tuning

My Jesus.....

My heart yearns to be your instrument ready to serve you in every way...
I place my spirit and all that I am,  ready for fine tuning into your hands 
Take all my brokenness and do something wonderful for a brand new day 
I want to be an integral part of your magnificent Kingdom plan.

I want to be your humble disciple so begin a great work in me...
Lord,  design me and restore me all the way to be exactly like you 
Prepare me with your craftsmans hands for only the greatest things that you see
Lord, I want to exalt and bring honor to you in everything I do. 

I want to be your beloved instrument ready for the grandest mission...
I'm ready now to begin with such determination and happiness 
To do what you've called me to do on a mission that's now begun 
My Savior,  I'm ready to follow you and serve you with all of my best!


You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...