Sunday, November 5, 2023

Fine Tuning

My Jesus.....

My heart yearns to be your instrument ready to serve you in every way...
I place my spirit and all that I am,  ready for fine tuning into your hands 
Take all my brokenness and do something wonderful for a brand new day 
I want to be an integral part of your magnificent Kingdom plan.

I want to be your humble disciple so begin a great work in me...
Lord,  design me and restore me all the way to be exactly like you 
Prepare me with your craftsmans hands for only the greatest things that you see
Lord, I want to exalt and bring honor to you in everything I do. 

I want to be your beloved instrument ready for the grandest mission...
I'm ready now to begin with such determination and happiness 
To do what you've called me to do on a mission that's now begun 
My Savior,  I'm ready to follow you and serve you with all of my best!


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