Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Mercy's Call


When my heart feels like no one cares in any possible way..
Feelings of great failure seem to prevail and strongly abound 
I'm at the point of giving up and have nothing else to say 
I want to disappear where nothing hopeful is ever found. 

At that point, something wonderful begins knocking at my heart's door...
Singing a mighty song of redemption and promise so free
I become very intrigued and have to know a great deal more 
That's when I begin to hear the breathtaking sounds of mercy. 

Telling me how much my Savior loves me forevermore...
How he forgives me and gives me a new beginning and day 
He is sending his pure love and grace from Heaven's mighty shore
And renewing my heart and spirit in a refreshing way.

Now, I won't give up but look wholeheartedly Lord to you...
For mercy will always be there in abundance perfectly 
I'll simply place myself into your hands in all that I must do
And call out for your breathtaking anointing and great mercy!

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