Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Mysterious Guest

The Thanksgiving table is being set for the grand feast to take place.....
There's fine china and glass ware and centerpieces placed with care
Creative linen name cards beautifully line with the finest pure lace 
But, as I walked and noticed there was something very odd that was there.

A great place was set at the head of the table that I did not know...
The place card said 'our guest of honor ' and nothing more that I could see
As I looked at it closely, for some reason it had a peaceful glow 
Right then, this beautiful feeling of love began to overwhelm me.

I asked about it all and my heart opened with such true happiness...
Hearing that this special place is set for Jesus presence every year
Suddenly,  I fell to my knees and realized in many ways I am blessed 
And began to give thanks and gratitude for all things I hold dear.

Everyone took their seats and the food was placed as all joined hands in prayer...
A breathtaking lesson of hope and promise for each year had begun 
The mystery guest is the real reason for celebration everywhere 
To be thankful for his mercy and all the real things he has done. 

God bless you all!

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