Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Humble Gratitude

My Jesus, you mean more to me than words could ever say...
You are the beauty that lights the moment and makes it new
The great rain that quenches the foundation every day
My breathtaking sunshine that is brilliant and ever true.

My Jesus, you are the love that keeps me warm and ever tight...
You're the grace that gives me hope that I can only dream of
My protective Saviour that keeps me forever in sight
A fountain of life and thanksgiving from Heaven above.

My Jesus your my goal and all that I'll ever need...
I give you all of my adoration and much more
You're the definition of successful and all good deeds
Lord I want more from you and feel your power at its core.

Monday, February 27, 2023

My Beautiful Lighthouse

Sweet Jesus...

Sometimes my heart fills with distress when my pathway becomes complex at best...
I cannot see those things that are genuine and what is not without a faithful core
I seem to lose my humble smile and my greatest of real happiness 
Gray clouds seem to fill the sky and I don't know what to believe anymore.

Suddenly your wonderful  presence comes to me with grace joyfully...
I can see a breathtaking light shining all about me with perfect care
Being in your divine will is where I always want to be
My Jesus you will with out a doubt take my heaviest stresses to bear!

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Life Changing Trust

My Jesus.....

I see your hand of perfect grace reaching lovingly for me...
And I hear your voice speaking to my heart such wise words so true
A strong desire to take control in all things so perfectly
There are so many wondrous things that you desire to do.

My heart is yours my Saviour in every possible way.....
And I do believe in you with everything that I am
But there are areas I'm weak in Lord and am ashamed to say
I can't figure it out or see the blueprint of your great plan.

That's when your grace surrounds me with a shield of mercy and care.....
Your love shows me I don't have to carry anything alone
Just ask and I'll get compassion and a hope that I can share
You'll work it out in your time and let your great glory be shown.

So like a newborn in its Mother's arms I'm looking to you.....
For divine wisdom and for seeds Lord to grow my trust complete
I want to rest and look to you in everything that I do
I'm asking for restoration as a servant at your feet!

Friday, February 24, 2023

Spiritual Lightning

My Jesus.....

I need the oil of your anointing to flow so powerfully...
Let the lightning of its essence take over every part of my soul
Healing and renewing and making everything new breathtakingly 
Filling me with your peace and love and making me so complete and whole.

Allowing me to see things with your eyes, so true and understanding...
And always striving to bring you great honor and my most very best
For you are my absolute greatest desire and all I'm yearning
Lord I feel your power like lightning ignite my life with happiness.

Lord, I want to spend each moment in devotion right here with you...
And have our bond grow closer and more rugged with every new year
Let the lightning of your love be my great stronghold in all I do
Help me to now walk forward without doubt, hesitation or great fear!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Lord, I Give My Heart To You


I humbly give my heart to you today...
Please take me as I am into your hands
And feel my wish to serve you in every way
To bring you the highest praise is my plan.

See the seeds that you've planted in me so strong...
Saturate my heart with your hope and love
Hear my yearning for you as my heart's song
Lord prepare me to be yours from above.

Make me your strong vessel for the journey...
Fill me with your power and strength so strong
See your instrument when you look at me
Jesus, I'm your warrior my life long!

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Revival 🔥 Fire

My Breathtaking Jesus...

My spirit is yearning for your anointing to ignite and move in such a mighty way...
Bringing peace, and tranquility and healing that can only be found in your great hands
We want to feel your great presence in such a new and restorative way
And see miracles pave the road for a dynamic, heavenly plan.

Pain is turned into new beginnings and hearts are transformed into something new...
Knowing of a caring and forgiving Saviour who has it all to set them free
A revival breaks out as people lift voices unto heaven in all they do
Glorifying God with praise 
And power and knowing he is Lord for eternity.

Friday, February 17, 2023

The Fear Fighting Armor

Sometimes something so strong tightly grasps at who you seem to be...
Despite valiant efforts you feel so restricted at your best
There are no real promises or hopes that you can now clearly see
No real answers to tranquility or pure happiness.

But then your heart sees the heaviness that I'm carrying...
I'm being destroyed within by something that's not from you
Your greatest mercy floods the heavens with perfect love it brings
And suddenly I begin to see peace that is rich and new.

You give me a rugged faith that I have never seen before...
And an extra dose of your anointing upon which to stand
So now if I am confronted with fear I don't need much more
Than to strongly give the it is conquered confident command.

There's no fear that will have a hold upon me anymore...
Jesus I need to come with a humbled heart on bended knee
And you'll meet me with all I'll need in love on Heavens great shore
You'll make sure I have your mighty armor appropriately!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

You Are My Everything

My Jesus...

You are the peace that can calm my soul and spirit from above...
The symbol of everything I need plus my greatest best friend
My overflowing fountain that fills my heart with perfect love
The solid foundation that is always there until the end.

My rugged anchor that keeps me growing and reaching much more...
My brilliant lighthouse to always show me your breathtaking way
You are the breath of life that comes so freely from Heavens door
Lord you are my map of promise to a new and brighter day.

I place my hand into your hand so perfectly and so true...
You are my endless inspiration for the final hour
Jesus I rest upon your great word in everything I do
I can always depend upon your word and your great power!

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Just One Word

My Precious Jesus..

I can see the true beauty of something special taking place...
The wonder of your anointing taking shape every where
And as I try to draw closer I can see your precious face
Taking care of me as only you can with tender sweet care.

You wrap me in your perfect love that is so genuine and whole...
And enrich me so warmly with the light of your wondrous grace
Your happiness gives me a joy that truly uplift my soul
And keeps me with a sweet positive attitude to embrace.

So Lord when you say one word everything is like brand new...
Inspiration hope and great promise will be at every door
You are the catalyst for a masterpiece pathway it's true 
Lord I'm reaching out for all the blessings you have in store

Friday, February 10, 2023

You Carry It All

My Beautiful Saviour...

You feel every ounce of pain that builds within me...
Your heart knows of every worry that burdens mine
Sweet mercy and peace begin to come perfectly
Bearing better days and dreams that I long to find.

I never have to look for those answers so true...
Or pathways that lead me to your sweet love and grace
You are my strength extended and my foundation new
Walking by my side with care and your whole embrace.

So when I feel cornered I reach out for happiness...
You never let me down Lord and You never will
I just need to give it to you and know I'm blessed
When I need You, your power and peace You'll instill!

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Sometimes I Just Don't Understand


Sometimes I just don't understand very much I know it's true..
All things around me are very confusing to my heart Lord at its frightening best
But one thing I am always well assured of is how much I trust in you
You are my source of everything wonderful, my blessing and my real happiness.

I would like to be your vessel and instrument for all to see pure love so grand...
Let your fresh anointing and your power now flow so breathtakingly from me
May there be sweet clarity and true answers that comes from your heart and your great hands
Let it be Heavens mighty miracle unfolding in the greatest form for all to see.

So my Jesus even though I may not truly understand with my heart and soul..
One thing I know is that my yearning spirit is drawing closer to where you are
You are there to guide me and lead me and make me so complete and whole
I never have to wonder about anything again because you are not far.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Hope For The Heart


Sometimes I look for answers and try to sort through everything...
But no matter how I try nothing seems to make sense to me
My heart knows that I can't work it out no matter what life brings
I need to seek your power and anointing so perfectly.

You are the lifeline and strength to complete me in every way...
You're the light of hope that illuminates what to hold on to
When I need that strength and endurance foundation for each day
My Jesus all my heart needs to do is reach out just for you.

You are the hope for my spirit that I yearn so strongly for...
The real inspiration that carries me through every day
My Jesus I lay all praise and Thanksgiving at Heavens door
You are the reason, the truth the life and the only real way.

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...