Sunday, February 26, 2023

Life Changing Trust

My Jesus.....

I see your hand of perfect grace reaching lovingly for me...
And I hear your voice speaking to my heart such wise words so true
A strong desire to take control in all things so perfectly
There are so many wondrous things that you desire to do.

My heart is yours my Saviour in every possible way.....
And I do believe in you with everything that I am
But there are areas I'm weak in Lord and am ashamed to say
I can't figure it out or see the blueprint of your great plan.

That's when your grace surrounds me with a shield of mercy and care.....
Your love shows me I don't have to carry anything alone
Just ask and I'll get compassion and a hope that I can share
You'll work it out in your time and let your great glory be shown.

So like a newborn in its Mother's arms I'm looking to you.....
For divine wisdom and for seeds Lord to grow my trust complete
I want to rest and look to you in everything that I do
I'm asking for restoration as a servant at your feet!

1 comment:

  1. I love blogs that focus on positivity and gratitude. Those are two things that can really change a person's life for the better.


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