Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Sometimes I Just Don't Understand


Sometimes I just don't understand very much I know it's true..
All things around me are very confusing to my heart Lord at its frightening best
But one thing I am always well assured of is how much I trust in you
You are my source of everything wonderful, my blessing and my real happiness.

I would like to be your vessel and instrument for all to see pure love so grand...
Let your fresh anointing and your power now flow so breathtakingly from me
May there be sweet clarity and true answers that comes from your heart and your great hands
Let it be Heavens mighty miracle unfolding in the greatest form for all to see.

So my Jesus even though I may not truly understand with my heart and soul..
One thing I know is that my yearning spirit is drawing closer to where you are
You are there to guide me and lead me and make me so complete and whole
I never have to wonder about anything again because you are not far.

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