Friday, February 17, 2023

The Fear Fighting Armor

Sometimes something so strong tightly grasps at who you seem to be...
Despite valiant efforts you feel so restricted at your best
There are no real promises or hopes that you can now clearly see
No real answers to tranquility or pure happiness.

But then your heart sees the heaviness that I'm carrying...
I'm being destroyed within by something that's not from you
Your greatest mercy floods the heavens with perfect love it brings
And suddenly I begin to see peace that is rich and new.

You give me a rugged faith that I have never seen before...
And an extra dose of your anointing upon which to stand
So now if I am confronted with fear I don't need much more
Than to strongly give the it is conquered confident command.

There's no fear that will have a hold upon me anymore...
Jesus I need to come with a humbled heart on bended knee
And you'll meet me with all I'll need in love on Heavens great shore
You'll make sure I have your mighty armor appropriately!

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