Friday, June 30, 2023

Thank You My Savior


You are the true beauty that fills my heart every morning so perfectly...
The life sustaining breath of hope that gives me new purpose for every day 
The nourishing source of strength and inspiration that uplifts me
The eternal light of pure love and happiness that always shows me the way. 

You are my dear Lord, my provider and best friend who will always be right there...
My dear mentor, teacher and guardian that I'll always look up to 
My provider, protector and healer who with sweet grace shows how much he does care
Lord fill me with all of loves traits from your heart because I am nothing without you. 

My Jesus you are all that I desire, yearn for and ever hope to be...
I want our devotion to each other to continue to grow stronger in so many ways 
I want to be like you and filled with your anointing fire perfectly 
My Jesus you are my heart beat, my breath and the real meaning of all of my days!

A Vision Of Glory

My Breathtaking Jesus...

I look at everything around me trying to find inspiration in what I see...
Something that reveals to me that no matter what's there, everything will be alright 
But, no matter how much I try to be upbeat and rely on positivity 
There is nothing all around me that seems to encourage happiness in my real sight. 

Just at that moment, the brilliance of your love begins to work as only it can do...
It shines greatly, and begins to flood every aspect of my life and who I am
I can feel divine grace working overtime, and wisdom coming down just from you
Revealing to my heart a special
 vision and a divine Heavenly plan. 

You reveal to me just how much you love and adore me and how much I mean to you...
You then show me that sight comes not from the eyes. but through the heart by Heaven's great love 
I should let this be my philosophy no matter what in all that I do
And look  to your great power and anointing that flows abundantly from you above. 

My Jesus, give me a breathtaking vision of the beauty and wonder of Heaven true...
Help to see all things through that perfect vision with the greatest of wisdom perfectly 
I want to grow in this proper way of living and develop my bond with you 
Growing closer to you and learning more about your light is where I want  to be!

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Faith Key

My Beloved Jesus.....

As I walk along my pathway, sometimes the journey becomes challenging to bear...
There is a sense of uncertainty and insecurity that  overwhelms me
At that moment  is when your greatest grace and love surround me sweetly everywhere 
Suddenly,  there's a moment of submission and great learning that's born so perfectly. 

Sitting at your feet I slowly learn the truth about the great power that you are...
How that within your heart and in your hands lies the solution to all things 
Whatever the solution that's needed, you are the key for it all by far 
I have to learn to seek your presence with a decisive heart throughout everything. 

I must learn to be a loyal student who listens to the teacher faithfully.....
For you want to give me such a glorious life filled with joy and sweet happiness 
No matter what the locked door that  comes along you'll always have just the right key
The Faith key of strong belief and trust and a heart that's overflowing and blessed!

Friday, June 23, 2023

My Lord...

There's a pain in my heart so powerful and strong I can't deal  with ìt anymore...
It is tearing me apart and destroying the person you want me to be
I am very concerned about the future and all of the hurt and stress in store 
Why do they feel the need to be cruel and cause such hurt to me.

They treat me like I'm worthless and my true presence doesn't matter to anyone at all...
I can't seem to do anything right or just no matter how I try in their eyes 
No one really cares when my heart and spirit look for mercy and begin to call 
The fact that I want to give up and can't see any good isn't a surprise. 

But then your love and grace reach out trying to calm the pain and the storm's fury...
You reach out with such peace and comfort and show me you have it all under control 
You want to see tranquility and restoration and days of hope just for me
A healing anointing begins to flow and work now starts to make me complete and whole. 

What was meant for harm in my case is now being used as a tool for greater things...
I take your mighty hand and look to you for the source and answer to it all
You are my delight and happiness no matter what the real weather may bring 
It is upon your great foundation  and in your spirit that I stand quite  tall!

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Jesus, You Are My Joy

My Lord.....

You are the joy that raises my spirits and helps me to look forward to a new day...
This is the breathtaking joy that comes from the strength of knowing you and loving you so
You are the joy that helps me to take another step in a bolder, brand new way
This is the heartwarming joy that helps me to be encouraged wherever I may go.

You are the joy that is my restoration in every sense of the word so true.....
The anointing joy that heals me and fills me with real peace, love and grace that is so grand 
You are the joy that ignites the fire of my spirit to praise and live for you 
The life-changing joy that cascades into my heart blessings and wonder by your mighty hand. 

You are the joy that helps me to be a beautiful light of my Saviors sweetest care...
The crafting joy that helps me to be a divine masterpiece of my Savior and more 
My Savior, my heart rejoices with all of your joy that reminds me you are always there 
A solid Heavenly joy and eternal friendship that boasts of what I'm living for!

Sunday, June 18, 2023

My Lord I Celebrate You

My Awesome Savior...

You  are everything my heart could ever desire and much more overflowing with love and grace...
I want to exhault you with every fiber of my being to all hearts near and far away 
I long to feel the glory of your  anointing and the majesty of your powerful embrace 
And give  you my inspiration in an 
Life-changing, powerful and encouraging new day. 

You are the breathtaking light that fills the very essence of each unique part of who I am...
You are the strong fou
ndation upon which my heart will continue to grow and find happiness 
I want to take your path and follow you with humbleness and now reach out for your mighty hand
Filled with  powerful anointing I want to watch your heart overflow and truly now be blessed.

All hail my wonderful and amazing Savior who means everything to me each day and much more...
I rejoice and praise you with gratitude, Thanksgiving and faith 
for everything that my eyes can now cherish and see
I'm waiting with anticipation to see what our rugged new bond will contain and has in store 
My Jesus I lift your name on high for  every heart to know just what you mean to me!

Friday, June 16, 2023

My Heart Is Yours


My heart is open and ready to receive the light of your love so grand...
I pledge and bestow all that I am and give it freely now unto you 
I want to hear your voice so sweetly and see the movement of your mighty hand 
Prepare the seed of your grace within me to be your vessel my whole life through. 

Help me to be everything that you are and that you hope for me to be...
Let your joy and wisdom be my guidebook along the pathway and much more 
Please see your greatest promise and your strength working grandly within me
Let our growing bond become breathtaking and rugged to the very core. 

You are the vibrant energy that fills my heart with your peace so true...
The flames of life that ignite my spirit with desire for you and more 
Perfect peace that fills my soul with thanksgiving my whole life through 
I am filled with desire and adoration for all you have in store. 

My whole heart is yours both now and forever to restore and finish
Please begin your great magni ificent work with perfect joy 
To be like you in every possible way is my greatest wish
Jesus I feel you moving mightily as my heart begins to rejoice!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Your Presence Is My Strength


There are days when I grow so empty,  tired and weary...
I just haven't got the strength to carry on any more 
There's a feeling of giving up that's taking over me
I can't find any encouragement or success that's in store. 

My spirit cries for pure healing in the  greatest degree...
Your agonizes so much with what I'm going through 
You send great peace and assurance to my heart lovingly 
Your anointing begins to flow with love and grace that's true. 

Suddenly,  I begin to see restoration take place...
You lift me into your arms with understanding at best
That beautiful mercy places a smile on my face 
You  fill me with your blessings and such wondrous happiness. 

I know now I don't  have to be stress filled ever again...
All I need to do is look to you and take your sweet hand 
For you have it all in your power and are my best friend 
I just need to stay grounded in my faith and in your plan!

Friday, June 9, 2023

When I Can't See The Sunrise


The clouds and rain are growing more intense to where I cannot see..
There's a fear and uncertainty gripping my heart and spirit true 
Sometimes I don't know where to turn as everything overwhelms me
That's when my heart reaches out with desire Lord looking for you. 

I'm looking for direction and the light of your love today...
My spirit seeks your guiding hand to help me along the journey 
To calm me down, give me wisdom and fill me with peace in your way 
Jesus I know you're taking care of all the uncertainty. 

Though the world's in disarray I should not focus on it at all...
I should keep the anchor of my faith rugged and always at play
Keeping my focus on you and listening for your great heart's call
You will guide me to a new, successful, and brighter futures day!

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

You're All My Heart Desires

My Jesus...

When I think of all my heart desires, my greatest needs and more...
I cannot find any answers in all of the factors I see
But my spirit doesn't realize that your heart has good things in store
You are waiting with open arms to share all that wonder with me.

You whisper with such love and care and touch my heart with grace so true...
You inspire me and give me strength to know it'll be okay 
I have you as my anchor and strong hold in everything I do
When I need guidance or direction you're never far away. 

Jesus you are my heart's solution, fulfillment and greatest love...
You are my desire, my life's breath and answer to every need 
I pledge my life and all that I am to you in Heaven above 
My Jesus I don't have to want when your presence is all to me. 

Sunday, June 4, 2023

My Jesus, When I Stop And Think Of You


When I Stop And Think Of You And How Much You Mean To Me...
My heart fills with a peace and adoration above all
I think of your wonder and all of the beauty I see
And my spirit hears your perfect love and grace as it calls.

I see the water of life flowing from your heart so true...
I see blessings and mercy in a rain drenching my soul 
There is compassion and restoration gifted from you 
All of the keys of life from you that make me complete  and whole. 

You  raise me in your hands with hope and inspirations song...
And walk with me in delight to a new and brighter day 
You are my promise and my foundation all of my years long
Jesus you are my wisdom and the light of my pathway. 

Jesus, let me be yours to make the world a better place...
Fill me with  your anointing in every possible way 
I can now see the breathtaking glory of your sweet face
Plant the seeds of your glory in my heart every day!

Friday, June 2, 2023

☔ Rainshowers Of Mercy

My Jesus...

When they treat me so poorly it hurts me to my very core...
I want to retreat forever and give up in every way 
I just don't see any purpose or worth or what each moment is for 
My heart doesn't see the happiness in every brand new day. 

I try to search for understanding and make sense of it all...
But no matter what I do there is nothing I clearly see
All my strength is gone and my spirit to you begins to call 
Searching for hope and promise among all the calamity. 

Tears begin to come down as my spirit reaches out for you...
You wrap me in your presence and send your great love around me
You understand how hard it is with all I'm going through 
But you'll give me the strength to extend forgiveness and mercy. 

So I place everything into your hands for good and all time...
You will work it out with grace, grandeur and much more 
I want to be just like you nothing greater will I find 
I will try to be at peace as I look to you on Heaven's shore. 


You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...