You are everything my heart could ever desire and much more overflowing with love and grace...
I want to exhault you with every fiber of my being to all hearts near and far away
I long to feel the glory of your anointing and the majesty of your powerful embrace
And give you my inspiration in an
Life-changing, powerful and encouraging new day.
You are the breathtaking light that fills the very essence of each unique part of who I am...
You are the strong fou
ndation upon which my heart will continue to grow and find happiness
I want to take your path and follow you with humbleness and now reach out for your mighty hand
Filled with powerful anointing I want to watch your heart overflow and truly now be blessed.
All hail my wonderful and amazing Savior who means everything to me each day and much more...
I rejoice and praise you with gratitude, Thanksgiving and faith
for everything that my eyes can now cherish and see
I'm waiting with anticipation to see what our rugged new bond will contain and has in store
My Jesus I lift your name on high for every heart to know just what you mean to me!
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