Friday, June 23, 2023

My Lord...

There's a pain in my heart so powerful and strong I can't deal  with ìt anymore...
It is tearing me apart and destroying the person you want me to be
I am very concerned about the future and all of the hurt and stress in store 
Why do they feel the need to be cruel and cause such hurt to me.

They treat me like I'm worthless and my true presence doesn't matter to anyone at all...
I can't seem to do anything right or just no matter how I try in their eyes 
No one really cares when my heart and spirit look for mercy and begin to call 
The fact that I want to give up and can't see any good isn't a surprise. 

But then your love and grace reach out trying to calm the pain and the storm's fury...
You reach out with such peace and comfort and show me you have it all under control 
You want to see tranquility and restoration and days of hope just for me
A healing anointing begins to flow and work now starts to make me complete and whole. 

What was meant for harm in my case is now being used as a tool for greater things...
I take your mighty hand and look to you for the source and answer to it all
You are my delight and happiness no matter what the real weather may bring 
It is upon your great foundation  and in your spirit that I stand quite  tall!

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