Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Your Presence Is My Strength


There are days when I grow so empty,  tired and weary...
I just haven't got the strength to carry on any more 
There's a feeling of giving up that's taking over me
I can't find any encouragement or success that's in store. 

My spirit cries for pure healing in the  greatest degree...
Your agonizes so much with what I'm going through 
You send great peace and assurance to my heart lovingly 
Your anointing begins to flow with love and grace that's true. 

Suddenly,  I begin to see restoration take place...
You lift me into your arms with understanding at best
That beautiful mercy places a smile on my face 
You  fill me with your blessings and such wondrous happiness. 

I know now I don't  have to be stress filled ever again...
All I need to do is look to you and take your sweet hand 
For you have it all in your power and are my best friend 
I just need to stay grounded in my faith and in your plan!

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