Sunday, July 30, 2023

Healing Oil

My Jesus...

I feel so miserable inside and just don't want to do anything...
My heart feels so distant and alone like no one really seems to care
This spirit is drained of energy looking for some real comforting 
I am so weak and run down with more than my spirit can bear.

Suddenly a small glimmer opens and shines something new down just for me...
I can feel a beautiful warmth begin to overcome all that I am
Healing oil of promise flows from your heart of grace so breathtakingly 
And so begins the great wonder of a mighty and mysterious plan.

My faith and trust are charged even more as I see your presence now so true...
Everything broken is starting to be made whole and normal once again 
I rise to my feet to say that I'm a new person wholesome and brand new
I give all praise, honor and Thanksgiving to my Savior and best friend. 

Jesus you are my healing oil and breath of life from Heaven above..
Thank you for always having it there to heal freely and abundantly 
It's one of the most special blessings and generous gifts I can think of
Lord thank you for your special well of healing oil always there for me!

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Wrap Me In Your Love

My Jesus...

I need a touch of your spirit more than ever in a big way...
I want to feel the very essence of your love all around me
Please fill me with your strength and power each and every new day 
Begin a great and mighty work right now that shows so perfectly. 

I feel so alone and frightened about everything and more...
I long to rest in you and see the wondrous work of your great hands 
Let your spirit guide me and structure my confused heart to its core
Lord I come before you in prayer seeking the details of your great plan.

My Lord you already know everything that I cannot see...
I stop leaning on my own mind and give it all to you at best 
You will make a beautiful path that is structured fine just for me
A seed of hope planted to provide blessings and great happiness. 


Friday, July 28, 2023

The Meaning

Dear Jesus...

What do people see every time that they look at me?
I see their odd looks and it hurts me down to the core
I wish I could let the real me shine so perfectly 
This way they can understand that I am so much more. 

But first I need to define myself in the right way...
Looking to your mighty heart for what I need to see
I am defined by who I am in you every day
My goals to work on that with faith so diligently. 

I want people to see the beauty of your great love...
And your presence in me filling me with happiness 
Who I am defined to be comes from you from above 
As a result I'm a beautiful person that's blessed. 

Lord I pray that you'll help me to show them what is so real...
And to see the true meaning finally in my eyes 
My purpose is linked to our bond and the love we feel 
For a life lived in your anointing is purely wise!

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

I Need My Best Friend

My Jesus.....

Your pure and perfect love is the light that I need for every day...
To give me strong power and your anointing to show me what to do 
Your breathtaking, beautiful grace is my compass to show me the way 
Your forgiveness and compassion are my sweet life star my whole life through. 

Your peace is my life anchor to cope with everything and succeed...
Your mercy gives me a powerful foundation at its very best 
That Heavenly heart that's always open fulfills all of my great needs 
My Jesus you are my source of life and my abundant happiness. 

Master you are my devoted best friend,  my Savior and mighty king...
Lord whatever my heart may require you are that and so much more 
Caretaker of my life's path, no matter what the pathway brings
Whenever I have a need I should bring it before you on Heaven's shore. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

The Strength For One More Step

My Precious Jesus.....

Take this imperfect vessel into your mighty hands on this day...
Work a wonderful miracle of great joy as only you can 
Help me to begin my pathway walk in a miraculous way 
Guided by the light of your sweet love and inspired by your plan.

Cover me with your anointing to keep me safe and in your care...
Give me a tool kit of your blessings that covers every need 
The grounded faith and trust to know that you will always be right there 
All I have to do is hope with my heart and forever believe. 

Give me the powerful strength to take one more step with happiness...
And to continue on no matter the clouds that may come along 
You will be my anchor and will be there to give me your very best 
Helping me to have endurance and perseverance as my song.

Help me to never quit but to fully lean on my faith so true....
Standing upon the strength of the real bond that we will always share
I can always have the seeds of success in everything I do 
Because the real beauty of your pure grace and love are always there!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Just One Touch Of Your Love

My Breathtaking Jesus...

Just one touch of your pure, perfect love ignites the fire of anointing in many ways...
Instilling a sense of pure tranquility and hope beyond what the heart can think or conceive 
Providing pure blessings and instruments for life like real happiness for all of the days 
And an overflow of your power and presence for every moment for those who believe. 

Just one touch of your perfect wisdom is the key to unlock the door ways we must face...
Giving us a lesson in humility and devotion to which none can ever compare 
Allowing us to place everything in your hands and trust as we are locked in your embrace 
No matter what the weather or how cloudy it may be you're working and are always there. 

Just one touch of your mercy and forgiveness and how valuable we are Jesus to you...
We are your unique masterpiece in which you have many plans to grow and dream and  much more 
So my precious Savior I give all glory, honor and gratitude with love in all I do 
Just one touch and our bond grows deeper and deeper and stronger with so many good things in store!

Friday, July 14, 2023

Healing Ràin

My Jesus...

They break my heart and spirit with a cruelty in every way...
Making me feel horrible and not worth anything at all
It takes away my strength, endurance, and the joy I need each day 
Demeaning me as a person and setting me up for a fall.

My heart cries out with an aching pain that no one would soon believe...
All of the tears and hurt begin to flow freely from my eyes 
I reach out for mercy as a hurting heart in such dire need
That is when I receive an answer that's a perfect fit and wise.

You surround me with a calming love that inspires me to grow...
Then pick me up in your hands to begin to rebuild and restore 
Just when I thought things look horrible is when you want me to know 
You are working diligently and have such perfect things and more. 

You have seen all I've been going through and it's not been in vain...
Healing has begun to join everything and make it brand new
Your perfect love and grace is taking away all of the hard felt pain 
And turning it all into praise and glory pledging it all unto you. 

You tell me how important and beautiful I am in all ways..
I am your unique and special masterpiece so beloved and true 
I should seek your will and plan for every moment of all my days 
For the awesome joy of who I am and what I need comes from you. 

Lord, you are my healing rain ☔ that restores, refreshes and renews...
There's not one obstacle that can change this adoration I see
I simply need to seek my restoration and healing in you 
For only your vision matters Lord and is important to me.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Simple Blessings

My Beloved Jesus...

Thank you for your breathtaking heart which is always open every day...
Overflowing with great wonder and amazement that only comes from you 
Sharing your pure love and grace with adoration in every real way 
Spreading your glory and anointing with seeds of promise and joy so true. 

Blessings begin to fall like a rain shower of happiness and delight...
Refreshing provision that makes every moment enjoyable to bear 
And an overflow of guidance and provision pleasing in your great sight 
Perfect, simple blessings that always show exactly how much you really care.

Thank you for my simple blessings Lord with love and adoration so true...
I give you all praise, joy and Thanksgiving with humbleness from my heart's core
I would be nothing without your love, grace and anointing my whole life through 
Please fill me to overflowing now and then comeback for much more!

Saturday, July 8, 2023

You Are My Strength For Each Day

My Jesus...

You are the rugged strength that helps me take another step and smile for every new day...
The anchor that plants the seeds of a new tomorrow and the light of a promise so true 
You give me endurance  that shows me to never give up but continue along the way 
No matter what the weather may seem I can succeed because with you by me I can make it through. 

You're the love that surrounds me and fulfills me to work hard and be better than I am...
The breathtaking peace that floods my very being and begins to create someone so brand new 
The mercy and compassion that shows new things and dreams according to your wondrous hands
The powerful anointing that flows like blessings and revival coming down from you.

You are the source of a pure unending happiness that no one can ever try to explain...
The only source for all solutions that are sought and needed for every new day 
The healing oil that permanently takes away any fear, doubt,  worry and unending pain 
My Jesus,  you are the never-ending source of a faith filled life
and the only one real way!

Friday, July 7, 2023

How Can I Tell You How Much You Mean To Me


What words can I use to describe the joy that knowing you brings me every day?
How can I say so completely what it means to have you in my life and your love?
I want to express to you my feelings in the most adoring and caring way 
And send my true praise, honor and gratitude to you with thanks to Heaven above. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding with me that's there at any hour...
I am grateful for your mercy and forgiveness knowing I'm not perfect at all
I adore your breathtaking anointing that flows so freely and your wondrous power 
Thank you for your kindness and care that is always there whenever I may call. 

You are my true best friend I can always count on and tell all my greatest needs to...
The light of new life always right beside me showing me the next step I should take 
The great foundation that always keeps me grounded in everything I should do
My greatest source of wisdom and divine knowledge teaching me what dreams I should make. 

Lord,  I dedicate my whole life to you, my heart,  my soul and all that I am.....
Honor comes by living a life serving you in every real way 
I want to always give you glory and follow the guidance of your mighty hand 
Jesus you give me purpose, strength, and endurance as I strive to face each new day!

Thursday, July 6, 2023

The Inner Pathways Of My Heart

My Lord...

The heart is a unique masterpiece made fragile and special by the glory of your hands...
Its breathtaking makeup is perfect yet can be mysterious to anyone but you 
You know every beat at any moment and have it all at your mighty command 
Restoring and making everything so efficient and productive every second through. 

When others look at things only with the eyes they miss out on a precious gift wholesome and dear...
The real beauty and purity of your love and grace in creation cannot be seen at all
It's when a humbled spirit comes to you and asks for clarity and for you to draw near 
Only at that time will they begin to see as you do and be revealed the strength of it all.

My Lord you see the wondrous beauty you created in every person with joy and delight...
The imprint of your great glory begins in the center of the heart with hope and promise so grand 
You work there and continue to build the story with creativity and perfect might
Planting seeds of strength and determination for great things to happen as only you can. 

So before someone looks at others they should come to you for guidance and truth at best...
You will give them clarity and show them what real beauty is and exactly where it comes from 
It is the true definition of your masterpiece and love of a person who is blessed 
A place where your presence truly lives and shines with the glory of your kingdom. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

You Are All That I Long To Be

My Jesus...

You are my mentor and the symbol of all that I aspire to be...
The example of what's good and just that my heart longs to copy and more 
I'm asking you to do a restoration as only you can in me
Jesus help me to be like you and rebuild me right to the very core.   
I want to have that gentleness and kindness that comes from your perfect heart...
The great love and grace that define you should also define all that I am
Let me have your dedication and devotion from which I'll never part
I want that determination and persistence that come from your great hands. 

Jesus help me to be considerate of others and a light just for you...
Help me to be so positive, persistent and filled with happiness always 
I want to be your reflection and bring you praise and delight my whole life through 
You are all that I look up to and will strive to be like all of my days. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

**********A PRAYER FOR AMERICA **********************

Lord, bless this fine nation in which we live.....
From coast to coast and sea to sea
Instill upon it abundant prosperity
This great land that you created
In all of its endless beauty.

Lord, bless us all, your humbled servants.....
As we live our lives upon this land
Provide us with the strength and the courage that we will need
and forever guide our way with your mighty hands.

Lord, please forgive us our trespasses and all of our sins.....
We beg your forgiveness and endless mercy
Show us the way, the truth, and the light
Guide us so that we may live an ideal life
The way it should be.

Lord, be a stable presence in our changing world.....
and forever remind us to look up and pray
Help us to remain encouraged and inspired
and to minister to the lost and by day.

Lord, we want to thank you for your true goodness and mercy.....
You provide us with all that we need each day
May our lives and our actions truly please you
and reflect your sweet spirit in every way.


Sunday, July 2, 2023

Jesus, My Healer And Peace


You are my healer and perfect peace that flows abundantly...
Like 🍯 honey from Heaven your anointing fills my heart  and soul
I pray that you see seeds of hope in the essence  of me
And that the power of your beautiful love and grace make me whole.

Lord. Let me be your vessel and  instrument for the mission true. 
Let the rhythm of who you are guide my feet in every way
I want to follow your vision and be a masterpiece for you 
Striving to be like you is my greatest goal every day. 

My.Jesus there is my no one else like you
I know that I  have a very specific place in your  heart 
so grand 
I am your humbled servant and student my whole  life through 
Lord I am now ready to take  your place and follow your great  plan.

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...