Tuesday, September 26, 2023

My Fortress

My Jesus.....

As I come before you so burdened, tired, and filled with stress...
Worried and filled with fear about everything around me
I cannot think or function and have no joy or happiness 
No feasible solutions or true hope can I clearly see.

But then your hand of mercy comes and lifts me to a new place...
I can see tears of compassion and concern for me with care
You touch me with your anointing and take me in your embrace 
Where I'll find strength,  provision and everything I'll need there.

Suddenly I feel joy and encouragement by your love so true...
My worries seem to be vanishing and I'm a new,  calm soul 
I've discovered you are my fortress and peace in all I do
And when I step inside my heart is complete,  at rest,  and whole!

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