Sunday, September 24, 2023

You Are My Life

My Jesus...

You are the strength that motivates me to take another step each day..
The wondrous beauty that shows me the blessing in everything around 
My precious inspiration and hope that is my light in every  way 
My source of all in which every answer and direction can be found. 

You are my true guiding star that shows me what pathway that I should take...
The greatest best friend that I can trust who will never go far away 
My teacher and mentor in every real decision that I must make 
My Shepherd who is by my side to always help me to a new day. 

You are my Savior who is compassionate with love and grace...
My forgiving and merciful Lord who will help me to succeed 
My heart is humble as I long to be in your perfect warm embrace 
Jesus take me in to your precious care and come and  live in me!

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