Friday, September 15, 2023

You Are Always There

My Jesus..

Whenever I have a question or concern you are always there...
To surround me with your precious anointing and fill me with your sweet happiness 
You extend your hands of joy so tenderly and show me with love how much you do care
When I think about all of the things that I have in you my heart feels humble and blessed. 

Lord,  whenever I have a need or desire and am puzzled you are always there...
You show me by your grace that everything is in your control and I will be OK
Your shoulders are strong and rugged to carry all of the fears and concerns that I will bear 
No matter what the burden may be you will provide and make a perfect way. 

Whenever I have extra joy in my heart to celebrate and rejoice...
You always walk beside me, take my hand and enjoy each special moment with me
You teach me how to be attentive to your will and listen for your still perfect voice 
My Jesus you are always there and my wonderful best friend for eternity!

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