Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Grandest Feast

Dear Jesus.....

The table is being set with the finest of everything...
It is a banquet of grandest style like never seen before 
Delicacies are being prepared and I hear the angels sing
There's a hand carved, breathtaking welcome sign that hangs upon the door. 

Many fine seats with name plates are being set with love so true...
Salvation's invitation is going out with grace from your heart 
Lord, I humbly accept my seat and give all joy unto you 
But, you want me to help before all of the festivities start. 

So, I open my heart and you fill it with your power divine...
And give me your anointing and your words to bring light to each day 
To tell the other guests they're welcome and the great things they'll find
They come as they are and given a brand new,  happy life's way. 

There are some that are busy and do not want to come at all...
Others want to think about it and maybe at a later date
But, the time is now to wake up and to heed your mighty loves call
But, there are those who yearn for your presence and come to your embrace. 

So, I accept my task and tell others about it all so true...
I welcome my precious seat with such gratefulness,  joy and delight 
This invitation is open with happiness, come now, will you?
Take your place by your sweet Saviors side and enjoy the great sight!

My Jesus... I give my heart and life to you today.   Thank you for accepting me just as I am.   Thank you for giving me a new life and a place with you in eternity.   Thank you for forgiving me and loving me.  Amen. 

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