Saturday, October 31, 2020

My Heart's Star


When I look for promise that uplifts my spirit high..
I look for a unique, breathtaking, brilliant new light
My heart reaches for your glory when it passes by
I long to be a part of that magnificent sight.

The moment when your love like a beacon comes around..
Bringing guidance, peace, and great joy with it so true
And all glory from Heaven slowly starts to come down
Jesus, I See your sweet wonder in all that I do.

So, when I want to see my magnificent hearts star..
I don't even have to think about it anymore
I just call upon your mighty name, and there you are
Your spirit and love dwell within me at my hearts core.

Sunday, October 25, 2020


My Precious Jesus...

Courage means taking a step into Faiths greatest plan...
It's knowing that things are not designed to go a special way
It is the confidence to place myself into your hands
And walk in your love side by side every day.

Courage means putting on the armor that comes from you...
And being ready to stand strong in everything
Being an example in all things daily so true
Looking for the true answers that only you can bring.

Courage means seeking your great wisdom so perfectly...
And knowing that you're the source of everything that's best
Blessings come from Heavens door for all the world to see
That's the meaning of real courage with great happiness.

The Master Craftsman

  A 🎁 gifted Master Craftsman was 🚶 walking along one fine day...
And He noticed something so interesting yet odd on the ground
He bent down to investigate since it was on His way
And He was amazed, yet saddened by what He had found.

He picked it up and carried it with 💘 love to His workshop so true..
There He cleaned it and caressed it to become something so great
He repaired all the broken parts, and made everything just like new
As the hard work and concern could be seen upon His sweet face.

He wiped away all of the damage that things had truly done..
And put new and exciting things in every dark and broken place
Suddenly something so truly wonderful had now begun
As He reached and took His creation into His loving embrace.

A masterpiece began to take shape before His guiding eyes..
A beautiful new creation in which His heart was well pleased
And He continued to work with excellence and some surprise
As the new creation fell before Him on bended knee.

"My child, I 💘 love you.  You are very special and dear to me."
As He instructed never to be afraid, He would be there
The Master Craftsman is always working so diligently
He will take care of every concern and each burden He'll bear.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Breathtaking Wonder💝

My Jesus...

When I stop for just a moment, and close my eyes so tight..
I see the great wonder of your smile gazing at me
And the beautiful love in your eyes is such an awesome sight
Wrapped in the essence of who you are is where I want to be.

I see your hands opening wide with a grace that is rare..
And a powerful voice calling out my important name
Telling me I have a Saviour who loves me beyond compare
I can always come to you and it will be just the same.

Suddenly, everything begins to slowly fade away..
There is nothing that can ever possibly soon compare
I can always have success when you hold my future day
Lord, I know that, without a doubt, you will always be there.


Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Board Of Honor


There's an emptiness in my heart like no one seems to care..
I'm not good enough that someone could call me their dear friend
I feel like giving up because there's not much more I can bear
I wish that everything would go away and soon end.

But you become concerned at the pain I'm going through
You want to take it all into your perfect, mighty hands
And see what kind of miracles that only you can do
You want to make it perfect again according to your plans.

You ask me now to completely put my faith and trust in you..
And not keep my focus on only the things I can see
You are the perfect foundation in all that I may do
No matter what or where you want the best for me.

I take your hand and look up to the wonder at Heavens door..
You're already taking care of everything so perfectly
Whenever I walk with you I'll make it to graces shore
That's where the greatest things and all of my answers will be!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Healing Majesty


Sometimes I feel so alone, and do not have a friend..
No one seems to care what I'm facing, or going through
I just want to stop the pain and make the sorrow end
I just want to give up in everything that I do.

You see the hurt destroying me in every way...
It is causing anguish, Fear, worry and pain-filled tears
Your heart is breaking seeing me like this every day
And take me in to your embrace to hold me so dear.

"Don't fear!" You say, with a smile to warm my aching heart...
"You are never alone!  I am always by your side!
"We'll work this out together and never will we part."
So now I feel assured that you'll be my special guide.

A beautiful light lifts my spirit so perfectly..
I know you'll give me wisdom and walk right there with love
Now I believe going on that miracles I will see
Lord you're giving me a new beginning from above.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Good News Train😊

Wonderful Jesus...

I have good news to share, and can't wait anymore!
I want to give all hearts a chance to know it too
There's joy and happiness flowing from my heart's core
People need to see the great things I found in you.

Prepare me to have the right words that I should say..
Give me wisdom to know what you think of it all
Let your love illuminate through me every day
Prepare me to know your word and to hear your call.

The instrument is ready for the mission true...
May your Kingdom be glorified forevermore
Let hungry hearts be fed and pledge to live for you
Take my hand Lord, as you and I go through life's door.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

When I See The 🌞 Sun Rise

Precious Jesus...

When I see another sunrise, my heart yearns for more..
Answers to needs and prayers I've been waiting for each day
Although I can't see, I know there are good things in store
And I know you'll bring about victory in your way.

It's hard to understand why you're so quiet right now,
Fear attacks, and doubt comes in hurting me at its best
But your perfect peace reaches me at that point somehow
I can see the beautiful light of your happiness.

When I see another 🌅 sunrise, I know there's a way..
I may not know what it is at this point Lord so true
I know I can step toward another promising day
You're working behind the scenes in all that I may do.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

P. A. I. N.


There is a kind of pain that no one ever sees...
It is the type that rips apart at who you are,
This pain continues to grow in intensity
And nothing can ever seem to stop it by far.

It's the type of pain that mutilates and tears apart...
A pain that is permanent in every way
It takes the greatest joy from the core of the heart
And brings destruction to the hearth of every day.

But then your sweet love comes in so perfect and true...
It fights the pain of fear with power and grace
And instills hope and strength in everything you do
All enlightened by the beauty of your great face.

The shield of promise pushes back it's strong hold...
And happiness comes in much more abundantly
I can conquer any kind of tough pain untold
As long as your great power is always with me.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Powerful faith unlocks the door of hope.

When you want to see God's best, go through your path with power and zest

Saturday, October 10, 2020

The ⛅ Cloudy Pathway

  Christina sat quietly in her darkened room, alone, staring into space.  She tried desperately to make sense of everything.  But she just couldn't.

  Her family treated her like garbage.  What few friends she had were not really friends at all.  So she was walking through her pathway solo.

  But what she couldn't understand most was why things had to seem so difficult.  She couldn't find a better paying career position.

  She wanted to refinance her loan and was turned away.  It just seemed like a domino effect. 

  When Christina returned to work a young woman asked if she could share her table at lunch time.  The two began to talk. 

  Her name was Gracie.  She had just started two days ago and didn't know anyone well.  The two women got along very well.

  Gracie invited Christina to her church's christmas festival.  She really didn't want to go.  But there was something about Gracie that she really liked.  So she said yes.

  The two began sharing their lunch together every day.  They shared a lot of the same interests. 

  They went to leisure activities.  Christina began to 😃 smile a little again.  The day of the CHRISTMAS festival came.

  Christina enjoyed meeting Gracies family and her Pastor and church.  But when prayer time was called, she started to leave.

  Gracie took her hands, smiled and walked with her to the altar.  The Pastor began to 🙏 pray for her. 

  Christina started to cry uncontrollably.  She felt like a weight was being lifted off of her. 

  She accepted the Lord as her Saviour.  She began to see the ☁ clouds slowly lift off of her pathway.

  She became a member of Gracies church.  She also got a promotion and raise at work.  A 👩 woman from the church who works in finance helped her get an affordable loan.

  Gracie introduced her to her brother Kurt.  The two started dating and really like each other.

  Christina was so relieved to be feeling better.  She never has to be distressed again.  The Lord is on her side and with Him you can succeed.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Thoughts To Ponder

Human nature wants answers right away.  This is quite understandable.  When we pray we expect immediate response.

Unfortunately answers don't always come on our timing and terms.  The Lord is always there for us.  He will take care of us. 

But He knows best.  Sometimes we wonder ... Why...when?  Remember this the Lord's glory will come.  We just have to unlock the door of hope with the key of faith and wait for amazing miracles!

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Overcoming Heart

My Jesus...

The greatest message I've been told is that I'm yours completely...
You welcome me with devotion and care, and all of your love
You know that I'm not perfect yet you see such promise in me
And wrap me in your precious arms, and unending, perfect love.

You forgive me, cleanse me and make me like new complete and whole...
In your word I find wisdom to be exactly like you
I can be a light of promise in a world so dark and cold
Learning to be loving and forgiving each new day through.

You call me your overcoming child that can do anything...
I just need to keep my mind and heart always focused on you
Your love will take away all worry, and help my heart to sing
My Jesus I can have success by your grace in all I do.

A Brighter Day

My Precious Jesus...

I can see the breathtaking wonder of a new and brighter day...
Even though clouds may try to hide the rainbow in my sweet sky
I'm trying to learn from the ruggedness in a special way
And know that you will give me the enduring joy to get by.

I must remember not to let such things get the best of me..
And realize I can grow tougher each step that I take with you
You are guiding and directing with sweet love so perfectly
By your grace, things will be much bigger, brighter, and so brand new.

I can put away the nervousness and the crippling fear...
Worry and concern won't be a part of my heart in any way
For even though I may not see it, you are always so near
Ready to give me a hope and a future, and a new day.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Wonders And Majesty

  Kristina sat in her room, literally frozen in her seat and numb.  She tried to make sense of everything.  She had what seemed like the perfect life.

  But, then all at once it shattered into unrepairable pieces.  Her precious baby boy was gone.  She'll never be able to hold this beautiful breath of life again.

  She just couldn't understand how someone that young could get so sick.  He was innocent and gentle.

  Kristina didn't feel like living anymore.  She hardly ate anything.  She stood alone and apart from her husband and other children.  Her marriage was breaking apart.

  Kristinas parents and their church were praying for a miracle.  One day, the Pastor asked a member of his congregation to go and see her.

  Kristina was reluctant at first to see her.  But then, she agreed.  The girl painfully explained how she lost her beautiful twin girls in a tragic fire.

  "How can you possibly have such strong beliefs after that happening?"  Kristina asked.  The young girl looked at her and smiled.

  "The world is an imperfect place."  She said.  "But as believers we need to know that God will help us.  He helped me and gave me strength.  He will for you."

  The two women talked the rest of the afternoon, and slowly became friends.  Kristina agreed to go and talk to a counselor.

  She slowly began to start the process of healing.  She began to attend church.  There was happiness once again in her household.

  One year later, God blessed her with twin boys!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...