Saturday, October 10, 2020

The ⛅ Cloudy Pathway

  Christina sat quietly in her darkened room, alone, staring into space.  She tried desperately to make sense of everything.  But she just couldn't.

  Her family treated her like garbage.  What few friends she had were not really friends at all.  So she was walking through her pathway solo.

  But what she couldn't understand most was why things had to seem so difficult.  She couldn't find a better paying career position.

  She wanted to refinance her loan and was turned away.  It just seemed like a domino effect. 

  When Christina returned to work a young woman asked if she could share her table at lunch time.  The two began to talk. 

  Her name was Gracie.  She had just started two days ago and didn't know anyone well.  The two women got along very well.

  Gracie invited Christina to her church's christmas festival.  She really didn't want to go.  But there was something about Gracie that she really liked.  So she said yes.

  The two began sharing their lunch together every day.  They shared a lot of the same interests. 

  They went to leisure activities.  Christina began to 😃 smile a little again.  The day of the CHRISTMAS festival came.

  Christina enjoyed meeting Gracies family and her Pastor and church.  But when prayer time was called, she started to leave.

  Gracie took her hands, smiled and walked with her to the altar.  The Pastor began to 🙏 pray for her. 

  Christina started to cry uncontrollably.  She felt like a weight was being lifted off of her. 

  She accepted the Lord as her Saviour.  She began to see the ☁ clouds slowly lift off of her pathway.

  She became a member of Gracies church.  She also got a promotion and raise at work.  A 👩 woman from the church who works in finance helped her get an affordable loan.

  Gracie introduced her to her brother Kurt.  The two started dating and really like each other.

  Christina was so relieved to be feeling better.  She never has to be distressed again.  The Lord is on her side and with Him you can succeed.

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