Sunday, October 4, 2020

A Brighter Day

My Precious Jesus...

I can see the breathtaking wonder of a new and brighter day...
Even though clouds may try to hide the rainbow in my sweet sky
I'm trying to learn from the ruggedness in a special way
And know that you will give me the enduring joy to get by.

I must remember not to let such things get the best of me..
And realize I can grow tougher each step that I take with you
You are guiding and directing with sweet love so perfectly
By your grace, things will be much bigger, brighter, and so brand new.

I can put away the nervousness and the crippling fear...
Worry and concern won't be a part of my heart in any way
For even though I may not see it, you are always so near
Ready to give me a hope and a future, and a new day.

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